The Witness Comments

  • Lucie 2022-11-30 02:56:51

    It's always interesting to look back on history, and it's always impossible to get the truth when you look back on...

  • Devyn 2022-11-28 13:01:40

    Crime retrospection is like peeling off a pair of armor that grows on a person, making people drenched in blood and suffering, but only in this way can people be...

  • Kaci 2022-11-23 15:01:32

    It is wise to shoot from the angle of this small opening. You will find a lot of details: the younger brother chose to join the army because the elder sister was injured and no one helped him choose to join the army. The puppy they adopted, the murderer son who converted to God, and the neighbor who said I thought she was not alone because I was with her when she died, all these really constituted not forgetting this...

  • Julian 2022-10-13 22:55:32

    "But far more experienced—and heralded—documentarians have never come up with the masterstroke in which the movie culminates. It’s the movie’s sole reënactment, and it’s an inspired one. It doesn’t illustrate, it is action; the scene is a drama in itself." -Richard...

  • Skylar 2022-10-13 21:16:22

    It's a completely different development from what I imagined, because the protagonist of this pursuit is not Kitty but Bill. The media exaggerated the case at the time, so that he, who was not close to his eldest sister, chose a life path that he could not turn back, which was really heartbreaking. Now that 50 years have passed, the important thing is no longer the truth. The reason why he chose to open the bloody wound and learn more about her is all to give himself an...

  • Carey 2022-10-13 19:34:30

    160331 is a reflection on journalistic ethics, as well as a reflection on human nature and the times. The expression of the comic outline is very good. The interpretation of the last paragraph gives people a more intuitive feeling, but is it an explanation or cruelty to the parties?

  • Anais 2022-10-13 19:09:05

    Guys, is it really okay to finally find someone to reproduce the scene at that...

  • Rudy 2022-10-13 14:49:30

    I feel a very good story. It's a pity that I didn't bravely cut it into the story of the deceased's younger brother~ and, although I learned bystander effect back then, I thought this story was incredible, but I was told that the theory that I have taught for so many years is based on events like this. There is a problem, still a little surprised. ....

  • Dillan 2022-10-13 13:06:59

    The extras cried when they simulated the piercing cry for help at the time of the...

Extended Reading

The Witness quotes

  • William Genovese: If I was going to have more success, Charlie Skoller suggested that I start with the trial transcript. My family couldn't bear to go to the trial in 1964 so I never heard the testimony of the witnesses. Only 5 of the 38 witnesses were called to take the stand.