The Wild Child Comments

  • Fredy 2023-02-25 12:42:43

    2005.11.05. (Feature #09) The episode of being bitten by a dog is terrible. Truly, the older kid, really likes kids.

  • Jerald 2023-02-10 07:16:18

    8.25 Why bother shooting some clips in two shots and then laboriously connecting them seamlessly instead of one shot? Combination of drama and science film. Wild children often look obsessively at the natural scenery outside the window, which is a way of expressing psychological drama that I like very much. The scene where the wild child looks at the words and chooses the words at the end of the film is an example of the editing speed gradually changing with the character's mood. I cried when I...

  • Lloyd 2022-12-18 02:57:15

    He is so trendy! ! The entire original edition like Xu...

  • Sonny 2022-11-25 01:41:09

    3.5; The process of animal nature being domesticated and disciplined into adult nature is undoubtedly cruel. Although it is an extreme example, we can still see how the so-called education suppresses nature, so as to acquire artificial "civilized etiquette" and "cultural knowledge". Regardless of whether the educated wants it or not, it is not alarming when various experimental means are applied to individuals composed of various emotions. Fortunately, in the end, warm emotions triumphed over...

  • Adonis 2022-11-15 20:25:00

    Clear and concise picture quality, concise and clean shots, the technique of circle in and out, the domestication of a wild child is also a process of rational return, it is rigorous and cruel, but the film reveals a strong humanistic atmosphere, outward attention, memory, language , Every step is in good order, as if we were young, and the germination of perception and emotion in the end also made the wild child lose the ability to survive in the wild, but watching him run without hesitation,...

  • Miles 2022-11-14 18:32:19

    I want...

  • Idella 2022-10-28 20:38:23

    Oh my god~~~~ Such an academic film is actually made by the famous Truffaut... This is a science and education film for psychology classes back then. . . The purpose of the teacher is to study the importance of acquired training for the development of human intelligence or language...

  • Christian 2022-10-28 08:31:55

    He teaches hard, he learns...

  • Cathrine 2022-10-22 23:35:33

    1. Truffaut starring himself. 2. Audio-visual, sound and painting are parallel, the style is quite Bresson, and the issues discussed are a bit Foucault. 3. Is this film discussing linguistics? anthropology? Or reflect on the system of society or human "civilization"? I think it's actually quite simple, and it's too much to think about it. Of course, if you say that this is talking about the relationship between Bazin and the New Wave, let's look at it this...

  • Stephania 2022-10-22 23:25:07

    6/10. A wild child learns the pronunciation of milk and [Helen Keller] feels the meaning of water. Truffaut recalls the humanistic period in Europe, while questioning the Enlightenment's right to deprive the natural state, reward (lock it in a closet) and punish (hold a water glass and watch it) The world outside the window) made him accept the norms of civilization and morality, which also restricted his freedom. He could no longer enjoy the joy of sitting alone in the courtyard, watching the...

Extended Reading

The Wild Child quotes

  • Le Dr Jean Itard: Canton of St. Sernin. A boy, 11 or 12 years old, naked and apparently deaf and dumb while searching for acorns and roots to eat was caught in the Caune woods by three hunters as he was about to climb a tree to escape from them. Taken to a nearby hamlet...

    [he stops reading and cuts the article from the paper]

    Le Dr Jean Itard: I could examine him and establish the degree of intelligence and the nature of ideas in an adolescent deprived since childhood of all education because he had lived apart from his species.

  • Le Dr Jean Itard: For the present, his emotions appear unaffected. Despite the ill-treatment he endured at the institute, no one ever saw him cry.

The Wild Child

Director: François Truffaut

Language: French,French Sign Language Release date: September 11, 1970