The Wedding Banquet Comments

  • Ericka 2023-03-31 22:05:26

    Dad said to Simon that you are also my son, and mom said don't tell your dad, real feelings will let time help them accept it, which is the popular saying "true love is invincible". Therefore, Wei Tong should also be more courageous. He is afraid of the shaking of the earth and mountains in his parents' place. Instead of facing these inevitable problems, he will marry a woman who loves her and leave a child. This is not a kind of escape? Courage, trust and love, tell...

  • Georgiana 2023-03-20 04:34:14

    Ang Lee understands the Chinese G-spot very...

  • Stephania 2023-03-18 15:35:34

    The best movie so far that reflects the conflict between Chinese traditional values ​​and Western modern values. Ang Lee's work in 1993 has beaten the mainland's "Gua Sha" ten years later. The core looks oriental, but it actually examines traditional Chinese wine table culture, family concepts, marriage and love customs from a Western perspective. On the surface, the younger generation is obedient to tradition and has a good face, but at the end of the film, when the traditional father leaves...

  • Bethany 2023-02-25 04:09:23

    Seeing tears welling up from gnashing of teeth; almost including all the so-called "Chinese" habits that I hate, but I always feel that the rhythm behind is a bit...

  • Kelsie 2023-01-30 18:37:55

    With a series of thematic attributes of Ang Lee's future works: family, humanism, love, homosexuality and the interaction of Eastern and Western cultures, these also form the narrative basis of this film. Not only does it fuse Eastern and Western ideologies, it also uses the protagonist's unconventional orientation to complicate the plot. The film itself isn't about gay issues, it's just a plot twist that exacerbates the controversy. What the director really cares about is traditional family...

  • Catalina 2023-01-19 18:05:46

    Even today, it is still a rare masterpiece of cross-cultural family conflict between Chinese and Western gays! I heard the ending is different from the novel? It must be said that the ending of the movie is very cleverly arranged, the old man is not stupid! Ha ha! Just be...

  • April 2022-12-25 13:36:36

    nice. But how did Gao Jinsumei confirm that she was pregnant in less than a week? I didn't let anyone else get pregnant, so I looked...

  • Obie 2022-12-22 20:56:52

    The gloomy second elder of the Gao family boarded the return flight, and the film ended in an inexplicable atmosphere. A little sad, as if there is a little hope. The conflict between traditional family values ​​and forbearance is magnified by a comedy Chinese wedding banquet. Fortunately, love and tolerance triumph over everything. "Wei Tong is my son, so you are my son too." It turned out that Dad Gao had already taken everything in his eyes...

  • Major 2022-12-20 07:01:37

    It seems to be a happy ending, but it makes me feel very uncomfortable everywhere, especially the father who knows the truth but still lets his son marry and hug his grandson. How important is succession? Important enough to almost destroy the lives of his own son and innocent girl? To have a child is to let him continue to have a child regardless of the child's pain? The evil consequences of millennia of sexual repression are not covered, and the entire wedding banquet process is extremely...

  • Madelyn 2022-11-28 15:52:06

    This film fully magnifies the terrible face of a traditional Chinese wedding banquet. I am worried that everyone will not feel enough. Soy Sauce Li An also drew a key point for everyone at the right time. Hahaha Zhao Wenxuan was really handsome when he was young. The greasy uncle, the years are the whole (hui) Rong Dao, I am convinced of the last scene, but I don't think it is a...

Extended Reading

The Wedding Banquet quotes

  • Wai-Tung Gao: I don't know, we should have moved you out.

    Simon: I'll survive.

    Wai-Tung Gao: Not if Wei Wei keeps cooking.

  • Justice of the Peace: Okay, now you: "I, Wee-Wee..."

    Wei-Wei: Wee-Wee.

    Justice of the Peace: "... take you, Wai Tung..."

    Wei-Wei: Wee-Wee.

    Justice of the Peace: Okay. "To be my wedded husband... to have and to hold..."

    Wei-Wei: Holding to have, husband, mine...

    Justice of the Peace: "... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer..."

    Wei-Wei: Better and richer, no poorer.

    Justice of the Peace: "... in sickness and in health, till death do us part."

    Wei-Wei: Till sickness and death.

    Justice of the Peace: Groovy. Rings.