The War Comments

  • Linnea 2022-09-13 08:28:55

    The Vietnam War was forced to lose the father of his companion, the children who led to the war for the tree house, the war cannot change the theme of the world, the combination of the two clues is just right, Costner and Wood used to be father and son...

  • Frank 2022-09-12 08:20:52

    I have seen many anti-war films, and this one is the best, and it can be said that there is no one. Unlike most anti-war films in the past, the director did not directly start with describing the war to express anti-war thoughts. In fact, there are very few war scenes in this film. Instead, the film starts from the insights and experiences of the father who participated in the war after the war, until he sacrificed a line to save others, and his son, The daughter and her friends compete with...

  • Humberto 2022-08-19 16:52:21

    When his dad was there, he always felt that the whole film had a little American theme, but the rest was okay....

  • Evert 2022-06-06 23:30:27

    I thought my father was the protagonist, but I didn't expect him to be a leader and accompanier. From another angle, he said rationally. Although I also guessed that it would be the story line, I suddenly understood it in the end. Although some places are not natural enough, the expressions are sincere....

  • Tracy 2022-06-06 21:48:17

    Watching his dad lovingly tell his son that love is the theme of the world, balabala, is like a director holding the head of the audience and saying the same seriously. Isn't the purpose of the movie telling everyone this through stories rather than words? This way, the chicken soup tastes too strong, and all the stars are rookies in the rap...

  • Robb 2022-06-06 20:12:15

    The trauma of the Vietnam War spread from Steven to the entire family. His son affected the most. After his father left his comrades on the battlefield and returned home, he was insane and had nowhere to go. This is a strong questioning of choice, the government, and God. War is a battle. Machines that humans can’t control, but no matter how bad the situation is, don’t give up even a glimmer of hope, love and...

  • Garnet 2022-06-06 15:02:35

    Good-looking childhood...

  • Jaylan 2022-06-06 13:27:49

    The cry of the year! Very good movie. After reading it, you will find his magic, see the big from the...

Extended Reading

The War quotes

  • [Elvadine was falsely accused of interrupting the teacher]

    Elvadine: Alright, I'll tell you. I was sayin' "Elvadine, what's YOU gots to write about? Been in the sixth grade your whole good-for-nuthin' life. Ain't GOT no daddy. Never goes anywhere but where your feets take you. Onliest money that ever belong to you in the whole world was twenty dollars you gots yourself in a birthday card, from your uncle last year." But it really wasn't for my birthday. Really, it was for layin' over his lap and letting him spank me with my underpants down. And now here you come along, shovin' me in the back of the room, where I can't even see too good, which means I'm prob'ly not gonna graduate this summer neither, Just 'cuz you read how some white man say Life be like a bowlful o' cherries, I've gotsta come up with some big hit sayin' Well, fine. I'll just write down how happy I'm gonna be to get 20 more dollars on my birthday. Never mind what he's got planned for me THIS year. And I'm gonna write, how maybe the new man my momma been seein' might stop drinkin', and treat me nice, and maybe he's gonna adopt me, and take us off the welfare. And at the end, I'm gonna be sure put:


    Elvadine: 'Life Sure is a bowl full of Cherries.'

    [back to normal]

    Elvadine: But to tell you the truth, Miss Strapford, I think you, and that book, and this whole class, be a bowl full of shit!

  • Ebb Lipnicki: [after falling into a cesspool] It smells like a butt down here!

The War

Director: Jon Avnet

Language: English Release date: November 4, 1994

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