The Twilight Saga: New Moon Comments

  • Tess 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    The lost shot of Bella after Edward was gone makes me feel constipated. However, the appearance of the werewolf still makes me sigh that the author's thinking is so broad. After the love between humans and ghosts in the previous movie, this movie has a love triangle of individuals, ghosts, and beasts, which makes people see blood spurting. ...I can't wait to watch the next...

  • Alisha 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    It's a bit funny and too offline... Marry me is not...

  • Marcelino 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    Idol drama level, the director of the Golden Compass, you can go to...

  • Beaulah 2022-03-24 09:01:22

    Compared with the first episode, there are less exciting moments of passion, only talk and mediocrity, which is really bad for a youth love scene. Overall it's okay, not...

  • Lisa 2022-03-24 09:01:22

    I am concerned about the muscles,...

  • Arvid 2022-03-24 09:01:22

    It’s a romantic, strange and suspenseful love triangle that turns into a vampire + werewolf~~~ PS: I joined the werewolf clan again, it’s so...

  • Francisco 2022-03-24 09:01:22


  • Braden 2022-03-24 09:01:22

    My classmate said I’m not suitable to watch this type...

  • Christopher 2022-03-24 09:01:22

    I will watch the next one, because watching this movie always gives me a sense of intellectual superiority... I have to keep watching and...

  • Moriah 2022-03-24 09:01:22

    It’s so sensational and pure, unlike inland movies that have to be bed scenes, cut! Don’t shoot yourself and say other things are...

Extended Reading

The Twilight Saga: New Moon quotes

  • Angela: I'm telling you, I saw something in the woods!

    Eric: It's okay, baby. I believe you.

    Jessica: No he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky.

    Angela: It was jet black and huge. On all fours it was still taller than a human.

    Jessica: A bear, maybe?

    Mike: Or an alien. You're lucky you didn't get probed.

    Jessica: Yeah, like that would happen.

    Angela: Well, I saw it.

    Bella Swan: You know, you're not the only one. My dad's been getting reports down at the station. Something like 5 hikers been killed by a bear, but they can't find the bear.

    Angela: Hm.

    Eric: Hahahaha. Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend!

  • Mike: So listen... Now that you're talking again... And eating... You know

    [pokes Bella's stomach]

    Mike: You gotta get that protein in there. You know I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me.

    Bella Swan: Yeah... Sure. Yeah I do.

    Mike: Okay... We could check out "Love spelled backwards is love" You know, it's a dumb title, but, um, it's a romantic comedy, it's suppose to be...

    Bella Swan: No. No romance. Uh, well, how about "Face Punch" You heard of that?

    Mike: Well, it's an action movie.

    Bella Swan: Yeah, it's perfect. With guns... adrenaline... it's my thing.

    Mike: Okay...

    Bella Swan: We should get a bunch of people... You guys wanna go see "Face Punch" ?

    Eric: Yeah! Hey, Mike, remember we were suppose to watch that? The trailer's all like "* Pew, pew!* Punch his face in"

    Jessica: Movie night with Bellllllaaaaaaa

    [Rolls eyes]