The Twilight Saga: New Moon Comments

  • Tamia 2023-09-03 23:54:41

    The generation gap between me and my brother lies in~ He thinks he looks good, I think it's stupid...

  • Fidel 2023-08-19 06:43:04

    A rotating long shot takes about half an hour, and the seasons change outside the window. The plot is lighter than HP, and dare to shoot for more than two hours. All the stars are dedicated to dog...

  • Brook 2023-06-21 09:04:44

    The screenwriter...

  • Geovanni 2023-05-02 10:47:29

    I don't know how I feel about putting this aside. I thought this one was better than the last...

  • Salvador 2023-04-10 08:38:33

    When I watched the first part, I was actually quite a HC girl, but this second part is too SB. I'm here to see vampires, show me a hairy werewolf, I'm totally interested in muscular guys! Want me to say that a full 2 ​​hour movie can only be watched for the last half hour. Come on in...

  • Crawford 2023-02-10 00:00:59

    A tattered story was filled with water for 2 hours, and it was hard to hold back and not fast...

  • Carmelo 2022-12-22 21:59:30

    Do teenagers only know how to...

  • Ephraim 2022-12-05 09:55:40

    The first one was fine, but the second one fell...

  • Davonte 2022-11-29 02:25:20

    "Mom mom, I made a boyfriend, and later found out he was a vampire and dumped me..." "Mom mom, I made a boyfriend, and later found out he was a werewolf and dumped me..." Oh, I can't figure out how this kind of rotten story is...

  • Zackary 2022-11-25 21:22:37

    The perfect combination of Kri & Rot! ! ! ! And little wolf! ! ! I love little wolf!...

Extended Reading

The Twilight Saga: New Moon quotes

  • Angela: I'm telling you, I saw something in the woods!

    Eric: It's okay, baby. I believe you.

    Jessica: No he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky.

    Angela: It was jet black and huge. On all fours it was still taller than a human.

    Jessica: A bear, maybe?

    Mike: Or an alien. You're lucky you didn't get probed.

    Jessica: Yeah, like that would happen.

    Angela: Well, I saw it.

    Bella Swan: You know, you're not the only one. My dad's been getting reports down at the station. Something like 5 hikers been killed by a bear, but they can't find the bear.

    Angela: Hm.

    Eric: Hahahaha. Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend!

  • Mike: So listen... Now that you're talking again... And eating... You know

    [pokes Bella's stomach]

    Mike: You gotta get that protein in there. You know I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me.

    Bella Swan: Yeah... Sure. Yeah I do.

    Mike: Okay... We could check out "Love spelled backwards is love" You know, it's a dumb title, but, um, it's a romantic comedy, it's suppose to be...

    Bella Swan: No. No romance. Uh, well, how about "Face Punch" You heard of that?

    Mike: Well, it's an action movie.

    Bella Swan: Yeah, it's perfect. With guns... adrenaline... it's my thing.

    Mike: Okay...

    Bella Swan: We should get a bunch of people... You guys wanna go see "Face Punch" ?

    Eric: Yeah! Hey, Mike, remember we were suppose to watch that? The trailer's all like "* Pew, pew!* Punch his face in"

    Jessica: Movie night with Bellllllaaaaaaa

    [Rolls eyes]