The Truth Comments

  • Telly 2023-07-24 12:25:59

    It's too strange, this should be called neither film structure nor play structure, let's call it line structure, so that the whole film is like a large-scale script reading. It only accomplishes one thing, which is to allow the actors to deduce the only compound meaning through repeated...

  • Isom 2023-07-22 07:24:34

    Love this script so much! ! Hirokazu-eda has never seen such a bright light. All the swords and shadows between mother and daughter are just a variation of resentment and misunderstanding turned into gentleness and tolerance, just like the sunshine and breeze in Paris. The contrast between daily life and the play within the play is very interesting. There are too many interrelated plots, which are detailed, lovely and delicate. It's been a long time since I watched a movie and I thought about...

  • Joanie 2023-07-17 21:14:14

    It’s not hard to recall Bergman’s Autumn Sonata, both of which are equally concerned with estranged mother-daughter relationships, exploring the possibility of bridging emotional rifts. Different from the light and lively tone of this film, "Autumn Sonata" is more sharp and depressing. After a hysterical quarrel, the mother played by Bergman chooses to escape the center of the predicament - can the child's childhood trauma be overcome? Healing? Obviously, the answer given by Bergman is...

  • Johann 2023-07-10 09:28:17

    It's no use if the play is good, the key is to look at the context. You let these two people who seem to strangle each other at any time sit together and talk about the sad and emotional entanglements in the past. It's too...

  • Freddy 2023-07-04 08:26:02

    The dislocation of mother and daughter roles, as well as the mutual projection of actor/screenwriter identity and life, enrich the story. An unforgettable scene is that the camera quickly pans with Binoche to the mother-daughter frame, and the words of snakes and scorpions, jealousy, and grudge are all shattered by the tender core. The play within the play is unique and the actresses are all...

  • Amanda 2023-06-26 23:28:48

    In the mild Japanese-French version of "Autumn Sonata", looking at the scenery at the beginning, the story time of "Truth" should also happen to be in autumn. When deception can benefit you, do you care what the truth is? When you know that many people have told lies, big or small, do you choose to go along with it or try to be honest and trustworthy? The older I get, the more I understand that there are all kinds of contradictions in this world, and that many things cannot be unified. I...

  • Francesco 2023-06-26 22:44:45

    The "Autumn Sonata", which is washed by French elegance and diluted by Japanese gentleness, prefers the story of the daughter who likes the drama in the play. The mother who has been to the alien planet is still...

  • Bartholome 2023-06-20 08:40:07

    ①As always, pay attention to the family and the relationship between people, but it has changed from Japan to France; ②As the plot progresses slowly, the stubborn nature of the big-name mother gradually becomes clear, and there are conflicts with almost every relative around her. Presented in a gentle way; ③How did the mother and daughter reach a reconciliation? The director is very obscure. ④The director has extended his tentacles to the details of life, and there are also some details that...

  • Clay 2023-06-14 05:23:43

    In France, the very direct way of communication and emotion is put into a kind of gentle expression that is Hirokazu-eda or a Japanese-style...

  • Isobel 2023-06-12 11:39:49

    Bland, obscure, boring, and what is the...

Extended Reading

The Truth quotes

  • Fabienne Dangeville: I was a bad mother, a bad friend, but so what? I prefer to have been a bad mother, a bad friend and a good actress. You may not forgive me, but the public does. Why am I telling you this? You can't understand what actors feel.

  • Fabienne Dangeville: How can you put up with a woman like her? Hats off to you. Save your energy for your acting. It's not a job you do halfway. The daily grind doesn't matter. You know what I think? When actresses start getting involved in charity and politics, they've lost vis-à-vis the profession. They've lost the battle on screen, so, they dive into reality. They pretend to fight against reality. Understand? It's not the contrary. I've always won that battle. That's why I can withstand solitude.