The Things of Life Comments

  • Alanna 2023-03-09 12:05:29

    The stream of consciousness is not chaotic, because most of the events take place within two days before and after the car accident, and a car accident is strung into tension on and off, almost becoming a character. Replacing car accidents with more protracted deaths, such as cancer and depression, is a chore for many people. Romy is warm and...

  • Louisa 2023-03-03 12:16:05

    It turns out that now our movies are all plagiarism and they are not so good. I want that...

  • Elda 2023-03-01 09:54:00

    Hey, every trivial matter can cut through the hearts of sensitive people and cast a haze on the hearts of perfectionists. Why be affectionate every minute and every second, and be persistent in everything? When I left, I fell down, my body was scarred, and my heart was riddled with...

  • Cary 2023-02-25 01:23:10

    2016-05-08 Label: Love seems to die with it. / Backtracking, stream of consciousness, driving irretrievably to the end in obsessional delusions. There is no life other than trivialities.

  • Rosalee 2023-02-19 12:44:00

    The so-called trivial things in life are mostly emotional fragments. About wives, lovers, sons, parents and friends, after a car accident and death, they reappear in my mind like a slideshow; they seem trivial and meaningless, but life is forever fixed. The two paragraphs before and after the hero and heroine complain about their tired feelings, which vividly and vividly reflect the difference between men and women, which is impressive—— Female: I am tired, I am too tired to love you. why are...

  • Miles 2023-02-18 14:18:38

    The editing and soundtrack are so good~ Billing explains the ending, and then flashes back a little bit, the middle-aged uncle desperately wants to catch everything, but he is still lonely~ From the car that is drifting away to the passing woods, the final location is The sky is so beautiful~ From a fantastic wedding to a funeral, the soundtrack and editing are perfectly...

  • Meredith 2023-02-14 09:30:51

    Alas, only English subtitles! Romy's smile is still as...

  • Kellie 2023-02-09 18:01:10

    The reappearance of similar scenes and flashbacks of important moments of life and emotional relationships with the revolving lanterns of life, and the unrealized inner desires are shown with hallucinations. Most of the flashbacks take place while driving, as a metaphor for the journey of life, until a car accident brings it to an end. The constant driving and the choice of intersections will inevitably lead to the sigh of "too tired", the regret of missing the scenery and the yearning/fear of...

  • Annabelle 2023-02-07 15:04:02

    I really like this movie viewing experience. The spacious and stylish old theater cooperates with this kind of ancient French movie. A car accident is constantly interspersed with flashbacks and flashbacks of emotions and illusions. Although it is very vulgar, it is vulgar and...

  • Quinn 2023-02-06 04:35:21

    A flashback of a middle-aged man's life before his death. The music and the picture work so well together. This stream-of-consciousness editing technique should have been quite novel back...

Extended Reading

The Things of Life quotes

  • Hélène: Tu m'aimes parce que je suis là. Mais s'il faut traverser la rue pour me rejoindre tu es perdu.