The Thin Blue Line Comments

  • Ashleigh 2023-02-07 01:21:45

    An excellent example of self-reflexive documentary style. Crossing the boundaries of film noir and documentary, comebines a mixture of ellements into a tense and pleasurable narrative thart includes stylise interview, reconstructions, clips from fiction films, slowmotion...

  • Jeanette 2023-01-18 01:59:44

    The pioneer director of this type of documentary skillfully makes the audience also become a participant to re-examine the case from beginning to end. Does the director really have no point of view? It is not in the tape at the end that he has fully demonstrated his point of view. It has nothing to do with individuals about the system Nothing to do with the truth about who is better suited to be a criminal than to find out the real...

  • Ashly 2023-01-14 04:52:34

    Still don't quite understand the reason. Preconceptions and conservatism hurt...

  • Trisha 2023-01-12 18:41:26

    This documentary is more calm and calm, through the description and comments of people of different identities about a case of shooting a policeman to death ten years ago, showing that the eagerness to close the case and financial interests are the direct reasons for the wrong judgment. Those who are still alive have a chance to be reborn, but what if they are dead? Anyone who can make a decision on a case has the right to life and death. The so-called greater power comes with greater...

  • Griffin 2023-01-10 11:30:31

    The empty tape recorder scene at the end is really intriguing. The outstanding point of the film is that after time washing, what remains in the memory is still so clear and...

  • Liliane 2023-01-09 06:09:04

    #smallcostdocumentary#Morris: The material I get through interviews is an investigation in itself. People interviews usually ask questions with predictable answers, not surveys. I've always tried to avoid asking the kind of questions I can think of answers to, at least to keep the possibility of new discoveries...

  • Tara 2022-11-28 21:12:30

    Simple incidents are handled roughly, leaving a bloody chaotic scene. History will remember this farce, but the curse will continue. Thirty years later, Robert Durst's escape from trial by jury and perjury is the best proof. There is no justice in the courts, people with conscience please continue to work...

  • Vinnie 2022-10-30 16:55:36

    One of the examplary documentaries to show the "creative treatment of reality" by using reenactments, smart editing, and cohesive persuasive arguments. The social influence of the narrative shows the power of storytelling: this film was instrumental in the exoneration of...

  • Ofelia 2022-10-22 20:45:49

    From the perspective of documentary filming and production, it may not be considered a great work, but from the perspective of the social function of the documentary, this film is an epoch-making work—because a documentary has changed a person’s destiny, it’s also right. The US legal system has raised questions that have echoed so far. Compared with the artistic value of documentary creation, the social significance of documentary creation differs from person to person and from film to...

  • Britney 2022-09-28 14:36:48

    Randall Adams did not receive government compensation before he died of a brain tumor in...

Extended Reading

The Thin Blue Line quotes

  • Floyd Jackson: David didn't have a conscience. If I do something bad I think, "Shucks, I shouldn"t done that, I feel bad about it." It didn't bother him. It didn't bother him at all.

  • David Harris: [asked if Randall Dale Adams is innocent] Did you ask him?

    Errol Morris: Yes.

    David Harris: What did he say?

    Errol Morris: Well, he's always said he's innocent.

    David Harris: There you go. You didn't believe him did you? Criminals always lie.