The Spirit of the Beehive Comments

  • Laurine 2022-06-22 14:16:04

    Rewatch. Mysterious and thrilling, the most terrifying moment in the world is the moment when a child realizes death. Fingers touch mushrooms, sparks burst, gunfire and Frankenstein by the water. The honeycomb window frame is the prison of the adult world, confining the innocence that destroys overnight and never can be traced into the honey and wax of...

  • Buddy 2022-06-22 10:48:10

    7.8/8.0 More than once, I recall the eyes of the little girl Ana in the film, helpless and confused. Children are spiritual creatures, they can feel more things. They interpret everything in a most sincere and direct...

Extended Reading

The Spirit of the Beehive quotes

  • Isabel: Papa, have you ever picked a bad mushroom?

    Fernando: No. You know why?

    Isabel: Why?

    Fernando: Because I always do like my grandfather told me.

    [he gets up and starts to walk; the girls follow]

    Fernando: If you're not sure a mushroom's good, don't pick it. Because if it's bad, and you eat it, it's your last mushroom and your last everything too.

  • [last lines]

    Isabel: It's me, Ana... It's me, Ana...