The Spirit of the Beehive Comments

  • Jadon 2022-10-10 15:40:55

    The story is full of mystery, the motives of the characters are mysterious, and the visions of immature minds haunted by fear are mysterious and a little fantastical. Recalling the high pressure of the Franco government in Spain and the fear of ordinary people from the perspective of children, a lot of metaphors are impressive....

  • Kelsie 2022-10-03 10:23:44

    I still admire all kinds of metaphors of surrealism, no wonder Kubrick likes it so...

  • Chaz 2022-10-03 05:01:25

    Weep. It was actually the work of a southern...

  • Kirsten 2022-09-28 16:55:58

    Ana's doubts when she saw Isabelle pretending to be dead in front of the window reminded me of the "faith collapse" moment that I first experienced in the middle of the day when I first realized the concept of "death" in kindergarten. [Useless little knowledge]: The movie starts with the 1931 Spanish dubbed version of Frankenstein. The first Castilian Spanish film was Paramount's "The Devil and the Abyss" released in 1932. At this time, the dubbing work was normalized in Spain, and in 1932-33,...

  • Jefferey 2022-09-20 08:20:37

    The countryside in Spain is so vast. The Frankenstein that children will never...

  • Watson 2022-09-17 05:53:06

    Every shot is a masterpiece of...

  • Melisa 2022-09-14 20:22:26

    For such a clean film, any compliments seem...

  • Barrett 2022-06-22 23:47:03

    Politics aside, this movie is telling kids not to watch horror...

  • Guillermo 2022-06-22 23:16:38

    Frankenstein's Labyrinth 1000 shots 500 interior scenes 500 exterior...

  • Denis 2022-06-22 18:36:37

    Rewatch. An absolute debut that cannot be imitated. The kind of quiet and heavy oil painting-like texture and suffocating composition, the kind of fan cultivation that cites film knowledge and principles, the kind that captures the intuitive sensibilities of children, pure and even evil. That kind of opening a crack in reality in the fictional ring structure, like the eyes of a little girl shining in the darkness of the cinema, the most miraculous moment of the...

Extended Reading

The Spirit of the Beehive quotes

  • Isabel: Papa, have you ever picked a bad mushroom?

    Fernando: No. You know why?

    Isabel: Why?

    Fernando: Because I always do like my grandfather told me.

    [he gets up and starts to walk; the girls follow]

    Fernando: If you're not sure a mushroom's good, don't pick it. Because if it's bad, and you eat it, it's your last mushroom and your last everything too.

  • [last lines]

    Isabel: It's me, Ana... It's me, Ana...