The Spirit of the Beehive Comments

  • Nicholaus 2022-12-19 19:17:03

    "she gives us all life's highest gains: love, solitude, and the face of...

  • Favian 2022-12-03 08:40:09

    1. Everyone seems to live in a hive, where you look at me, I look at you here, with transparent walls between us. 2. What you hear is not necessarily true or what you see is not necessarily false 3. If you close your eyes and call it, it will come to you 4. The elf-like Ana...

  • Sigrid 2022-12-02 11:19:55

    Ready to complete + re-watch Hou Hsiao-hsien, and An Zhe's "The Beekeeper". All the action took...

  • Jennifer 2022-11-13 09:04:29

    Watch Spanish political films in...

  • Laurine 2022-11-10 02:47:16

    Well at least it's...

  • Marietta 2022-10-29 02:02:28

    The shape of the rules has...

  • Adelbert 2022-10-21 15:09:53

    Ana's fantasy world isn't one of egg-shaped March rabbits, fake turtles, baby pigs, but rather ugly and mediocre Frankensteins, restless hives, poisonous mushrooms, communist fighters, and maybe even the ghost of a ubiquitous...

  • Amber 2022-10-19 13:06:50

    Before we learn to fear, we have suffered from...

  • Shana 2022-10-16 21:22:41

    Surreal? Ana's expression is not tense enough, I really don't have this level nor the interest to penetrate...

  • Abdiel 2022-10-10 19:04:00

    2.13 The child is still haunted, a lonely individual, a body filled with powerlessness, extremely restrained and restrained emotions, and an inexplicable...

Extended Reading

The Spirit of the Beehive quotes

  • Isabel: Papa, have you ever picked a bad mushroom?

    Fernando: No. You know why?

    Isabel: Why?

    Fernando: Because I always do like my grandfather told me.

    [he gets up and starts to walk; the girls follow]

    Fernando: If you're not sure a mushroom's good, don't pick it. Because if it's bad, and you eat it, it's your last mushroom and your last everything too.

  • [last lines]

    Isabel: It's me, Ana... It's me, Ana...