The Spirit of the Beehive Comments

  • Kaleigh 2023-09-17 18:52:56

    Fantastic (homages, references to Frankenstein), metaphors (mysterious, imaginary fears) and visions (the hues of honey, the reflections of bees) make up the film's whimsical world. The real horror is not the gore or nausea of ​​the images, but the creeping...

  • Charity 2023-09-11 04:48:06

    This movie is also a horror movie for me. In addition to the ubiquitous smell of death, what is even more terrifying is the same immature older sister's cognition of her younger sister showing off her growing up and provoking death. The loess in the wilderness, the candles in the red window, and the power of the bright yellow can turn into a Frankenstein to stifle yesterday's...

  • Rosalinda 2023-09-07 04:09:05

    Slow, cold, full of childlike...

  • Skyla 2023-08-23 11:08:11

    With just the right balance of emotional delicacy, with eyes, expressions and gestures instead of words, no other film can compare. I don't see any so-called metaphors in this film. Some are confused and saddened by the first contact of a young and fresh soul with death. Pure simplicity and graceful peace of mind, surrounded by a sense of time. Still the best in my movie...

  • Elody 2023-08-23 08:43:29

    Imagination and night and eyes constitute another...

  • Jerel 2023-08-14 19:00:37

    Uncle projectionist misses the best movie, only to see Frankenstein in a nightmare. The biology teacher told the heart and lungs not to get confused, but told me to fill in the vacant eyes. My father told us that the poisonous mushrooms that we cannot eat are fat and attractive, and the letters sent by my mother to a distant place were burned to ashes by the fire. This is destined to be a lonely childhood look back. The uncle who broke into the lonely house by the well has a pocket watch to...

  • Chaim 2023-08-08 17:03:42

    【A+】Indescribable beauty, unparalleled aura. Emotional overflowing, lines become so weak or even ignored, oil painting texture and mysterious aggression, the elephant is invisible. This is the fluidity of images. Incredible, like a...

  • Hayden 2023-08-06 07:26:47

    In her eyes, the world is full of confusion, serenity and...

  • Margarita 2023-07-31 23:05:44

    Girl sees blood in hell 'I'm getting old when I close my...

  • Daphney 2023-07-25 15:22:33

    D+ / The film presents a contradiction in the distribution of perspectives: on the one hand, the child serves as the main clue to turn the surrounding into a still life that fits the passage of time, and this stagnation constitutes the "original" general viewing; on the other hand, the former Instead, this trivial stacking of the squeezed adult sub-lines and the overall omniscient narrative of the film seems to deliberately block the flow between sections, and the "daily" is exposed as a...

Extended Reading

The Spirit of the Beehive quotes

  • Isabel: Papa, have you ever picked a bad mushroom?

    Fernando: No. You know why?

    Isabel: Why?

    Fernando: Because I always do like my grandfather told me.

    [he gets up and starts to walk; the girls follow]

    Fernando: If you're not sure a mushroom's good, don't pick it. Because if it's bad, and you eat it, it's your last mushroom and your last everything too.

  • [last lines]

    Isabel: It's me, Ana... It's me, Ana...