The Souvenir Comments

  • Camron 2023-09-19 21:14:43

    The important thing is always to shape life, and if all memories are self-narrative, what it produces does not have to be narrative self. With fragments that are almost inexplicable independent of each other, Joanna Hogg tries to make fictional images and memories converge in the testimony of "Dasein," in which the emotions and postures in the flow of life are surging. In the cold and concise performance, lines and scheduling, the form of fold value-added is obtained. Therefore, "Souvenirs"...

  • Felicia 2023-09-14 08:49:40

    Modern EMFoster Novel...

  • Anais 2023-08-14 07:46:18

    If it weren’t for the heroine’s good temperament and Tilda Swinton’s appearance, there would be a second part, which portrays the real, boring, difficult, and especially exhausting relationship for the heroine. It must be so real. After reading it, I don’t want to fall in love. A girl who is suitable for the temperament of Valentine’s Eve to change to the current London is likely to be a cool feminist lesbian, who will only sneer at this kind of...

  • Sammy 2023-07-27 14:59:02

    I like it, the picture is beautiful. The heroine is attracted to the hero at a glance. He is so elegant, mysterious and unusual. He is an extraordinary work created by this ordinary society. If you want to live with him, you need to accept the whole of him, the darkness under the sun, and the pain behind...

  • Ericka 2023-07-12 16:20:27

    It's alright, very much like "Others' Taste", those films by Rohmer, etc., European bourgeois sketches. See what the rich are bothering about. When you are rich enough to be freed from satisfying the basic needs of survival, and you have money to satisfy all your desires, whether you are self-willed, you should face the deep emptiness and boredom of your life. , It's not about eating, drinking, and Lhasa that really bothers me. They no longer pretend to care about the poor people, which can...

  • Clarissa 2023-06-08 07:49:20

    Two stars for acting. Pretentious. Such an arrogant director. How could I trust the...

  • Frances 2023-06-06 09:21:26

    "We are all...

  • Amely 2023-06-01 16:49:04

    Retro pictures, effective coordination of photography and service, fragmentation of narrative methods, very personal stories and experiences, casual chats and discussions, which caused some alienation effects, but the heroine’s experience provided some ideas and thoughts. For example, during a dialogue with the group of people on the set, the old man discussed whether the original works were based on his own life experience. The rest is pretty flat. It's good to take a leisurely lunch at noon....

  • Dangelo 2023-05-31 11:43:39

    Out of the era, with an overhead background, and full of superficial and nihilistic self-expression, if this is called a movie, then the movie should be over long...

  • Junius 2023-05-16 00:44:05

    If anyone thinks this is the kind of film we need, they need to fucking think again. Best of 2019 MY ASS. This is a horrible year for...

Extended Reading

The Souvenir quotes

  • Anthony: I can't go into all this. It was an emergency.

    Julie: What fucking emergency?

    Anthony: If I hadn't done that on that day, I wouldn't be here now. I... That's all I can tell you.

    Julie: What's that supposed to mean? You can't say stuff like that and then not... I don't.. I appreciate there are some things you can't tell me.

    Anthony: Well, uh, you know, I appreciate there's things about me that you find unacceptable. There's things about you I find unacceptable. There's things about this conversation I find unacceptable. We're gonna have to meet somewhere.

  • [at a dinner party; Anthony has left the table]

    Patrick: You don't seem druggy to me.

    Julie: [smiling] No, I'm not, no, I'm not.

    Patrick: Interesting. So I'm trying to work out... where you two tessellate here.

    [Julie is wordless, confused]

    Patrick: I'm not good with euphemism, so...

    Julie: Sorry, I don't understand.

    Patrick: OK, so,

    [gestures to Anthony's vacant seat]

    Patrick: habitual heroin user,

    [gestures to Julie]

    Patrick: trainee Rotarian... which is a good look, I mean it nicely. How, what, why, when... ?

    Julie: [quietly stunned] Sorry, I don't...

    Patrick: You don't even dabble?

    Julie: No.

    Patrick: Okay. I mean, I don't, I feel it's very mainstream behavior. I've said to him, it's mainstream. I actually think, you know... I mean, it was fine in the '40s, but...

    [Julie is still speechless as Anthony returns]