The Society Comments

  • Anais 2022-11-04 14:53:49

    It feels average, similar to Under the Sky, and the other movie that died at the age of 21. There are no exits around. 1 didn't see any brows, but a woman was bitten to death by a snake. Others scrambled for food, and a woman had a heart...

  • Velda 2022-11-01 23:04:12

    E01 Is Netflix too much of this kind of teen drama...

  • Dagmar 2022-10-29 07:57:50

    The political development line is very attractive. I have seen the issue of social identity, the issue of dictatorship and democracy, the issue of asset distribution, and various details that reflect the various political and legal systems in reality. It has also achieved a certain depth. It is also an excellent part. The emotional line of youth is really bad, but it is not the main body. There is no need to delve into the sci-fi setting if I don’t plan to say more. Overall, it is very good and...

  • Rosalee 2022-10-20 23:12:31

    When I first started watching it, I really thought it was going to be about a love story about an American campus bully youth, but the more I watched it, the more I realized that the whole drama was analyzing social politics. Through a community established by a group of high school students in an isolated area, a complete and orderly society is established from scratch. During this period, various social problems need to be solved, and the social structure is constantly transforming . What I'm...

  • Tess 2022-10-20 22:35:17

    It has a bold idea: socialism replaces capitalism, collectivism precedes individualism, even if it is sarcasm, it will be expressed, but it is a pity that it is just scratching the surface, and the emotional drama of crazy men and women accounts for a large proportion. (Campbell's role is brilliant, Griez's performance is a surprise) Reconstructing civilization on the basis of modern civilization has raised many topics worth thinking about, or presented many ideas: system,...

  • Jeffrey 2022-10-20 20:30:17

    Meh... The trailer is stronger than the main film...

  • Eldora 2022-10-20 18:20:01

    You can't stop watching it. It's not a brainless youth drama. Although the first three episodes were a bit bloody, and the people were arranged and matched, it was exciting when the order was about to collapse due to the murder of Cassandra. The process of rebuilding civilization at the entry-level is relatively reasonable. The characteristics of high school students are good, but they are not secondary, and there is no fake anti-social but actually true, good and beautiful (such as the...

  • Eliezer 2022-10-20 17:39:40

    There is a theorem in sociology that no matter how many people a group is made up of, the role of the group is fixed, the leader, the villain, the think tank, the recipient... This is what this show wants to show, the society The general environment changes, the social structure remains the same, and how this group of people adapts to their new roles. The last drama that caught me in the first episode is already lost nine years ago, but the difference in this drama is the operation of the new...

The Society

Director: Marc Webb, Haifaa Al-Mansour, Megan Griffiths

Language: English Release date: May 10, 2019