The Silenced Comments

  • Naomi 2022-12-15 20:33:49

    Theme: Anti-war. During World War II, the Koreans were oppressed by the Japanese, and a woman did a human experiment at the expense of her compatriots in order to gain Japanese...

  • Horacio 2022-12-12 18:11:02

    Rubbish! The story of the green tea bitch who turned into a...

  • Garett 2022-12-11 17:10:38

    What the hell, the transformed man Shizuko tore the devil with his...

  • Delphine 2022-12-03 07:23:47

    The two girls who escaped from the secret base at first look like the girls in Kawabata's writings. The soundtrack is really...

  • Jerad 2022-12-01 18:18:30

    Korean version of Resident Evil anti-Japanese drama is...

  • Rosalee 2022-11-26 23:48:06

    Is the female monitor Pu Sudan the same newcomer from Chungmu Road? Good temperament, looking forward to "Black...

  • Turner 2022-11-16 02:50:39

    From the beginning to the end of this film, I was stunned, and I didn't know what I was doing. But girls are...

  • Arielle 2022-11-09 08:11:37

    Korean anti-Japanese...

  • Rodolfo 2022-11-05 13:45:57

    The pictures and music are very beautiful, the acting is also good, the relationship between the squad leader and Shizuko is also the story, the mystery is...

  • Libbie 2022-10-17 12:24:26

    Is this a lily horror movie? ? After that, the style of painting changed suddenly, but it was because the transformation failed. If the transformation is successful, it will be the story of Marvel. Sure enough, people will show you what kind of story they want to guide you to think....