The Silenced Comments

  • Constantin 2023-05-20 14:33:57

    Lily love movie? Campus articles? horror film? Ghost movie? Suspense movie? No, this is a failed superhero movie. . Nima, such a beautiful little girl can't write a good script, so make some erotic plots to attract attention and cheat...

  • Gladys 2023-05-18 23:37:44

    The introduction said that the suspense film was a horror film after watching it for a while, then it turned into a sci-fi film. In the end, it was actually a lily film. This time, the stick made North Korea and Japan "black". The anti-Japanese drama learns to tear the devil directly by hand! In the end, the embroidery on the face gave me...

  • Bethany 2023-05-12 12:17:27

    The reference film for the new film, the low-light Asian character close-up light processing is remarkable, and the control idea of ​​indoor and night scene contrast and color contrast is also...

  • Dwight 2023-05-03 09:03:08

    Enrollment is a matter of caution; teenage girls are a real nuisance for...

  • Caterina 2023-05-01 16:57:38

    SIFF looks...

  • Macie 2023-04-29 21:26:31

    Girls' High School + Resident...

  • Hailee 2023-04-28 15:14:23

    See how Korean beautiful girls tear up...

  • Adeline 2023-04-20 05:28:30

    The story is undoubtedly nonsense, extremely off-line, a hodgepodge of sci-fi, horror, and suspense, and especially the ending is so bloody that I can't complain. However, the picture is still beautiful. The boarding school in the gloomy forest is like a ghost mansion with a mysterious temptation. The ambiguous feelings between the girls and the strange atmosphere created by the mystery of the two Shizuko are all attractive. The audience insisted on watching to the end, if the plot did not...

  • Kaia 2023-03-19 20:38:08

    The first half was actually pretty good, but unfortunately the approach ruined everything. The school in the jungle like the crack, the gym class, the teacher with heavy makeup, Lily, I kind of eat this...

  • Syble 2023-03-14 20:58:59

    distressed! Park Bo Young turned into a...