The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising Comments

  • Carli 2022-08-19 20:30:41

    The heroine is...

  • Adeline 2022-05-15 22:58:16

    Watching it with children when tutoring, it feels like playing at home. Miss...

  • Sincere 2022-05-15 16:16:21

    The biggest problem with the film is the lack of a charismatic...

  • Adela 2022-05-15 14:41:29

    Why does everyone think it's ugly! Obviously, apart from the fact that the plot is very bloody in some places, the world view setting is still very attractive to me. What kind of child is called, collect all six elements or something, it is very magical, plus one star to pull points, one star It must be that domestic movies have been watched...

  • Bethany 2022-05-15 13:40:11

    I want to imitate a blockbuster but make it look like a teenage fantasy movie, but it's not ugly on the whole, at least the story is complete. In the battle between light and darkness, the light must win. Six seals, time travel, the dark knight, the teenager who saves the world, all of these have set the tone of a magical blockbuster, but I didn't leave a deep impression after watching it, the actors are too ordinary, the stories are cliché, the characters of the characters It's superficial,...

  • Katelyn 2022-05-15 11:50:34

    I want to imitate a blockbuster but make it look like a teenage fantasy movie, but it's not ugly on the whole, at least the story is complete. In the battle between light and darkness, the light must win. Six seals, time travel, the dark knight, the teenager who saves the world, all of these have set the tone of a magical blockbuster, but I didn't leave a deep impression after watching it, the actors are too ordinary, the stories are cliché, the characters of the characters It's superficial,...

Extended Reading

The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising quotes

  • Mary Stanton: Can I get you gentlemen something? Coffee or tea?

    Dawson: No, we were stopping. Too much to do before the storm sets in.

    Mary Stanton: The storm?

    Dawson: Yes. Odd weather along the way. Tomorrow would be a bad night. A night's after beyond imagining.

    Mary Stanton: Really?

  • Merriman Lyon: Will! I warned you!

    Will Stanton: Gwen, go back home and don't tell anybody about this. Ok? Go. Just go home.

    [Walks up to Merriman]

    Merriman Lyon: You've exhausted your powers! You could've been killed!

    Will Stanton: Well, I got the Sign, didn't I? On my own! I didn't see any of you helping out, Ok?

    Merriman Lyon: You were selfish and irresponsible. Every day, the Dark is tightening its grip. Only you stand in its way.

    Will Stanton: Yeah. You keep telling me that.

    Merriman Lyon: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop, stop. I'm sorry. I-If you want to express your feelings, I'll stand here and I'll listen.