The Secret Comments

  • Shanna 2023-03-26 11:44:58

    I watched it during the induction training, it was very...

  • Marjolaine 2023-03-11 20:14:04

    Anyway, it is to have a positive attitude to face life and actively work towards the things you like. A positive attitude and hard work will help you successfully achieve your...

  • Kenny 2023-03-07 20:15:01

    Very positive, very...

  • Oda 2023-03-05 14:10:21

    Everything is...

  • Marcelino 2023-01-29 06:56:23

    Focus all your energy on what you...

  • Osbaldo 2023-01-18 21:06:14

    you are the master of your...

  • Sincere 2023-01-12 16:39:33

    I did cai listening today and heard this book, I really want to read...

  • Sonya 2023-01-04 16:39:30

    feel good , feel good. I'm not greedy, I just want to be happy every...

  • Elias 2022-12-18 01:48:07

    Reminds me of Magic Lantern and...

  • Tremaine 2022-12-08 00:49:31

    Or rather, another interpretation of karma and devotion. Not rated. Your short comments have made quite interesting additions to the...

Extended Reading

The Secret quotes

  • Bob Proctor: Now, if you don't understand it, that doesn't mean that you should reject it. You don't understand electricity probably. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. And yet you enjoy the benefits of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how it works. But I do know this: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity; and you can also cook the man.

  • Michael Beckwith: It has been proven now, scientifically, that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.