The Secret World of Arrietty Comments

  • Dorthy 2022-05-27 23:02:34

    I don't know if the lines add up to 100 sentences? ...and the development behind it is a bit too fast. When did it become part of syou's heart? ?...

  • Jeromy 2022-05-27 12:43:31

    The picture has always been fresh and natural, full of love, and the little mushroom is cool and Arrietty is so...

  • Roderick 2022-05-27 12:38:24

    Xiaoxiang and Arrietty didn't make an agreement, they only exchanged gifts, a sugar cube and a hairpin, but he and she will always remember each other. The pictures, characters, and soundtrack are all beautiful to...

  • Constantin 2022-05-27 09:38:44

    not very good...

Extended Reading

The Secret World of Arrietty quotes

  • Arietty: I have to go. When is your operation?

    Shô: The day after tomorrow. I'm going to be okay. You gave me the courage to live.

    Arietty: [Unclipping the pin from her hair & giving it to Shawn] For luck.

    Shô: Thanks.

    Arietty: [Now crying] You protected me after all.

    Shô: Arrietty...

    Arietty: I hope you have the best life ever. Goodbye.

    Shô: Arrietty, you're a part of me now. I'll never forget you, ever.

  • [last lines]

    [North American version]

    Shawn: I never saw her again. But the following summer I returned and was happy to hear the people in the house down the road talking about how many things in their home had gone missing.