The Rose Comments

  • Elliot 2023-09-22 09:49:13

    I will probably never forget the first time I heard THE ROSE, it was the JANIS version. She was burning, hoarse, until she...

  • Virginie 2023-09-04 04:29:31

    Really sad to see. The party will always end, it will always end. But better than never starting,...

  • Maxie 2023-09-02 05:03:57

    It jumped out a bit, but I didn't think it was JANIS in front of me. But there is no denying that the film itself is still...

  • Christian 2023-08-27 16:48:14

    It took more than half a year to read it. 24 said that when I was young, I felt very sad to see this film. That kind of state of mind that is not understood by anyone can more or less resonate with him who is in panic...

  • Darius 2023-08-15 03:27:03

    27//It's easy to marvel at the brilliance of someone's brilliance under the cover of a chaotic, rotten life that he often draws from his chaotic, rotten life that's barely there.//I always think of Wright Fassbender He is also a man who "has nothing but pain and loneliness in his...

  • Kacey 2023-08-12 14:30:10

    The great rock singer is trapped by her status is undoubtedly the origin of tragedy, and the film gradually leads her to her true self, trying to make her find the freedom under the stage, and the works are naturally and ahead of time through rock and hippie. Showing what the LGBT world looked like back then, Master Zsigmond's photography is infinitely surging, too suitable for the blasting light of rock and roll, and in the end, she finally returned...

  • Marge 2023-07-19 06:45:13

    Really well done. I'm really not from that culture....

  • Clemens 2023-07-14 06:16:00

    In fact, I just watched the first half hour and couldn't stop watching. How to do? It's not that the movie is bad, but that janis's face has been shaking in front of my eyes, and it doesn't match the plot, the...

  • Effie 2023-07-10 16:19:33

    Alas, why why why? Why is the life of a rock singer a lament, singer biographies, songs are for extra...

  • Fidel 2023-06-14 04:37:56

    Meet a good man, fall in love with a good man, but can't keep a good man. Lost and gained, gained and lost. I don't know if the real Janis Joplin's relationship is like that of a movie hero. It seems that female singers, whether pop or rock, are more likely to be entangled with scumbags. If it is a scumbag, it is easy to keep it, money, fame, status, but good men, especially good men with self-esteem, are hurt again and again, how can there be tomorrow. Heartbroken Rose, the one and only—The...

Extended Reading

The Rose quotes

  • Rose: What are we ladies? What are we? We are waitresses at the banquet of life! Get into that kitchen and rattle them pots and pans - and you better look pretty good doin' it too, 'else you gonna lose you good thing. And why do we do that, I'll tell you why we do that? We do that to find love - Oh I love to be in love - don't you love to be in love?

  • Rose: Ain't it just grand layin' there late at night in your bed, waitin' for your man to show up? And when he finally does, at oh about 4 o'clock in the mornin', with whiskey on his breath, and the smell of another woman on his person... Oh honey, I can smell another woman at 500 paces. That's a easy one to catch.

    [crowd gets really noisy]

    Rose: Oh, the women are getting nasty. So what do you do when he comes home with the smell of another woman on him? Do you say, "Oh honey, let me open up my loving arms and my loving legs. Dive right in, baby, the water is fine"? Is that what you say, girls?

    [the women in the crowd scream "No!"]

    Rose: Or do you say, "Fuck this shit! I've had enough of you, you asshole! Pack your bags. I'm putting on my little waitress cap and my fancy high-heeled shoes, I'm gonna go find me a real man. A good man, a true man."