The Rainmaker Comments

  • Bonnie 2022-04-23 07:02:40

    Another classic about the law, with a slightly jerky performance by Matt...

  • Chauncey 2022-04-23 07:02:40

    Ten years ago you were a leader in Hollywood, ten years later you are like no man's land in your own...

  • Orion 2022-04-23 07:02:40

    When we first came out of the campus, we carried all kinds of beautiful dreams. In life, we were deduced by reality again and again, deviated from our dreams in society, and lost ourselves in money. Finally, with a copper stench and...

  • Yolanda 2022-04-23 07:02:40

    How do you know when a lawyer is lying? His lips are...

  • Oscar 2022-04-22 07:01:33

    Someday you'll become a lawyer's...

  • Laurine 2022-04-22 07:01:33

    Using new lawyers to fight lawsuits to show all kinds of legal professions, the plot is a little dull, especially the main line of the case, one of the reasons why I like to watch movies, one of the reasons is that I can get a lot of experience that I could not get in a more vivid...

  • Selmer 2022-04-22 07:01:33

    The process is full of idealism and luck, but the ending is not conventional, sincere and...

  • Nannie 2022-04-22 07:01:33

    every lawyer at least in one case will feel he cross the line which he doesn't mean to cross it, it just happens. and when if you cross it enough times , it disappears...

  • Katelyn 2022-04-22 07:01:33

    Recommended by kerry, good movie, but not my type, Jon Voight, Angelina Jolie's dad. It was discovered by accident after watching Midnight Cowherd last time. Is the woman who was beaten by her husband, Claire Dennis, the heroine of Xingchen? , and Mary G. Perez, I feel like Matt Damon's face very much, I don't know if it is a mother-son...

  • Maiya 2022-04-22 07:01:33

    The ending should be written as a tragedy. Maybe a happy ending will not make people too pessimistic and make people feel...

Extended Reading

The Rainmaker quotes

  • Rudy Baylor: All due respect, Mr. Drummond, this is my deposition, I'm gonna call the witnesses in the order I see fit. So, I'd like to start with Jackie Lemancyzk.

    Rudy Baylor: Maybe we should just go call the judge, and...

    Leo F. Drummond: Oh, I don't believe we have to get pugilistic this time of the morning.

  • Rudy Baylor: I'm hot. In fact, I'm so hot, there's no place for me to go but down. Every client I ever have will expect the same magic, nothing less. I could probably give it to them, if it didn't matter how I did it. Then I'd wake up one morning and find that I'd become Leo Drummond