The Queen Comments

  • Edyth 2022-12-27 07:40:44

    Helen mirren's queen temperament, the scene where the queen looks back at the deer is a stroke of...

  • Daphney 2022-12-27 05:07:14

    The royal family kidnapped by public opinion. Personally, I feel that the existence of the royal family is just a memory of the noble spirit of the old age rather than class oppression. However, the people use grief as a reason to force the queen to go against their hearts. The queen who has the first responsibility and the second individual is quite pitiful, but all royal disputes are no better than the power of the dead. "I choose to grieve quietly and mourn silently. I think this is our...

  • Idella 2022-12-06 14:40:02

    boring. very boring. But Diana is so...

  • Evelyn 2022-12-06 01:19:25

    The heights are very...

  • Laney 2022-12-02 04:30:41

    Helen Mirren's acting is amazing!...

  • Annamae 2022-11-25 13:51:01

    A very good biographical film, thought...

  • Kimberly 2022-11-24 19:24:52

    7.16 I don't understand politics, and I don't know who is right and who is wrong. I only know that it is not easy for an old lady to be under so much pressure for so many...

  • Cora 2022-11-13 19:44:51

    Although it was sleepy to watch in class in the afternoon, the soundtrack of the film is still very neat, and the soundtrack is still performed. Although I am not interested in the story of the British royal family, the queen who is reclusive and cold is well...

  • Horace 2022-11-13 18:07:42

    Control a sensitive history, like this realistic style, don't instill any opinions in the audience, just show the facts for your own...

  • Nola 2022-10-30 00:15:14

    There was a lot of hype in that history. I saw the deer in the eyes of the...

Extended Reading

The Queen quotes

  • HM Queen Elizabeth II: Oh, really? You don't think that what affection people once had for m... for this 'institution' has been diminished?

    Tony Blair: No, not at all. You are more respected now than ever.

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: I gather some of your closest advisors were less fulsome in their support.

    Tony Blair: One or two... But as a leader, I could never have added my voice to that chorus.

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: Because you saw all those headlines and you thought: 'One day that might happen to me'...

    Tony Blair: Oh... er...

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: ...and it will, Mr. Blair. Quite suddenly and without warning... So, shall we get on with the business in hand?

  • Prince Charles: They're going back to sleep, or try anyways. My private secretary office have found a travel agency out in New York that will sell me a flight to Paris, with a hour stop over in Manchester. Perhaps now you might like to consider whether it's still an extravagance to bring back the mother of the future king of England. In one of our planes.