The Queen Comments

  • Dandre 2023-03-14 07:16:51

    Mao Zedong in the west, Stalin in the...

  • Aletha 2023-03-11 15:13:51

    The old woman who played Elizabeth was very good at acting. But nothing else to...

  • Guadalupe 2023-02-22 10:47:46

    I thought there was only one Mirren who won OSCAR to watch. The one who plays Blair is a bit similar, but it's too different from the real person. Seeing Cherie makes me want to laugh. The People'sPrincess slogan won the hearts of the people at the critical moment. The royal family had to retreat in the face of poverty. The speech at half-staff in condolence to the queen is better than that of the king. B from Labour Reformers to Royalists. The Queen has 10 Prime Ministers in 50 years. Times...

  • Kasey 2023-02-21 17:36:49

    If you don't understand the background, it's really...

  • Bert 2023-02-18 11:57:31

    The acting is good, nothing to...

  • Beulah 2023-02-07 04:55:01

    Helen's perfect...

  • Cleveland 2023-01-18 20:45:49

    Love the British accent, I just want to play the harpsichord and have a bunch of...

  • Ole 2023-01-14 06:58:16

    [PhD] It's not easy for everyone, and it's not easy for the...

  • Cameron 2023-01-12 16:47:07

    For the first time, I saw a film that did not start from Diana's point of view but revolved around the events of Princess Diana, and the narrative was calm. I like movies like...

  • Marques 2023-01-04 05:12:16

    The movie didn't touch me too much, but the history was very interesting to...

Extended Reading

The Queen quotes

  • HM Queen Elizabeth II: Oh, really? You don't think that what affection people once had for m... for this 'institution' has been diminished?

    Tony Blair: No, not at all. You are more respected now than ever.

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: I gather some of your closest advisors were less fulsome in their support.

    Tony Blair: One or two... But as a leader, I could never have added my voice to that chorus.

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: Because you saw all those headlines and you thought: 'One day that might happen to me'...

    Tony Blair: Oh... er...

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: ...and it will, Mr. Blair. Quite suddenly and without warning... So, shall we get on with the business in hand?

  • Prince Charles: They're going back to sleep, or try anyways. My private secretary office have found a travel agency out in New York that will sell me a flight to Paris, with a hour stop over in Manchester. Perhaps now you might like to consider whether it's still an extravagance to bring back the mother of the future king of England. In one of our planes.

The Queen

Director: Stephen Frears

Language: English,German,French Release date: November 17, 2006