The Public Comments

  • Duncan 2023-06-26 02:34:37

    People on both sides of the world cannot understand each...

  • Jeromy 2023-06-04 07:04:13

    I think the way of filming is a little bit worse, maybe I have watched too many movies with flowing routines. The content is...

  • Jaclyn 2023-06-02 17:48:55

    After watching the first 30 minutes, when I got to the love stage, I gave up....

  • Tamara 2023-05-27 10:06:53

    Too tm literary, self-motivated Bai Zuo Wenqing. Just looking at the first sentence of the description, I'm still looking forward to a film like "The Day After...

  • Zella 2023-05-15 05:40:00

    A politician who only cares about his own prospects but not the people. A negotiator who can negotiate a case but can't negotiate his own life. A clerk who helps the homeless is regarded as an abnormal person. When the people at the bottom are ignored by everyone, the only ones who can help them are themselves. Books may really be the last bastion of human nature to avoid...

  • Lacey 2023-05-09 21:03:03

    Americans come to teach the world what is democracy, freedom, human rights and environmental protection. It's a real joke. China's short, big, tight and ilk will climax after watching...

  • Virginia 2023-05-08 12:15:34

    Textbook-like drama, but this kind of political correctness is...

  • Jadon 2023-05-02 08:05:10

    On the whole, it is a pretty good movie, and the ending is naturally sweet, but it needs a kind of collective consciousness. There are not many classes when collective consciousness emerges in American movies. Their favorite expression is how individuals are. But there are problems with this...

  • Maxwell 2023-04-28 04:38:57

    Personal preferences and perceptions are often deviated from the public, so be vigilant at all...

  • Tess 2023-04-28 04:34:51

    ★★★★~ The first film of the 2019 Shanghai International Film Festival, I hope I can come every year in the...

Extended Reading

The Public quotes

  • Josh Davis: It is my job to uphold the law and to protect democracy in this city.

    Anderson: You know, I devoted my entire life to preserving the freedom of information that flows in and out of this institution! The public library is the last bastion of democracy in this country, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here and let you thugs turn it into a battlefield!

  • Ernesto: Athena, time to go.

    Homeless Women: I'll leave when I'm damn good and ready!

The Public

Director: Emilio Estevez

Language: English,Sign Languages Release date: July 25, 2019

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