The Princess of Montpensier Comments

  • Antonio 2023-03-22 18:49:16

    These medieval romances are nothing more than women who dare to pursue their own love, a little bit slutty, a little...

  • Rebekah 2023-03-10 14:03:36

    Duke Anru has the shadow of Captain Jack, the male protagonists are all handsome, and the female protagonist is as dull as the plot! !...

  • Juliana 2023-02-23 06:07:40

    The heroine is so ugly. I didn't pay much attention to her in the pianist at sea, but now I find that she has a face that I don't like very much~ The heroine of the movie is too important to me, especially when all the men are chasing one woman It's hard for me to be happy with such a...

  • Cullen 2023-02-08 15:31:06

    Lambert Wilson looks familiar, Mélanie Thierry looks familiar, and then I found out that they both played the BBC's Heng Five, which is good. The movie is so-so, it's okay to pass the time and watch it. A movie with four male protagonists and one female protagonist is probably like...

  • Eusebio 2023-02-01 14:45:48

    Don't play Mary Sue if you don't have a decent face, which means you, all the actors in this film...except Mr. Uriel. 【Positive...

  • Braulio 2023-01-30 13:32:24

    Four men from left to right represent mentor and friend; family and responsibility; power and pomp; passion and temptation. In fact, no matter which one she chooses, it will be a tragedy in the...

  • Dina 2023-01-10 15:48:12

    In fact, the one who loves the heroine the most is the teacher, but unfortunately, because the heroine is very stupid, she was implicated to death by the heroine. Order and passion, in the film, is the dispute between Catholics and Huguenots. The teacher said he was a pacifist, but when reality forced him to stand in line, he chose to defend his conscience. PS: I can't stand such an ugly heroine who only has sausage mouth and cheekbones on her face and is entangled with so many beautiful men at...

  • Abe 2023-01-09 23:15:52

    not very good. . ....

  • Crawford 2023-01-06 11:05:07

    This film has an indescribable...

  • Ericka 2023-01-05 20:57:56

    While watching, I felt that the heroine was too ugly. Did she deliberately use it as a foil for the four handsome protagonists? The men in this film are all super...