The Power of Few Comments

  • Chelsea 2022-09-27 21:07:58

    brunette is not...

  • Dell 2022-09-21 08:24:44

    This movie is more suitable for the form of micro-movie, too low cost and the multi-clue narrative that has been used up is not attractive. The themes of redemption and crime and punishment are also very...

  • Marion 2022-09-17 20:26:54

    This method is not new anymore, it's rotten, and the film is ugly to...

  • Frank 2022-09-17 04:12:50

    The actors are pretty good-looking, but the plot seems...

  • Jean 2022-09-15 10:39:50

    2013 I forgot the specific time and downloaded it on No. 830

  • Hailee 2022-09-04 18:05:26

    Fu Mei is really a bear child that people love and...

  • Stan 2022-08-29 23:14:45

    I think it means that different situations of the causal cycle of the crash have different...

  • Monique 2022-08-29 23:01:19

    Fantastic low cost indie sci-fi! The three stories in the first hour were rotten, no matter the amateur acting, the story or the romance lines - the kind you can really see Xiang - but Christopher Walken started talking about it, and the whole film miraculously sublimated! The little black girl bites her cheek to help philosophy save the...

  • Gussie 2022-08-29 14:14:58

    Not even Mr. Walken. . This movie is really speechless....

  • Jaylen 2022-08-29 10:47:03

    I don't understand too much.. and the character design and shooting style are not my...

Extended Reading

The Power of Few quotes

  • Doke: Holy schmoly! We're back in the game.

  • [first lines]

    Cory: Sssssh, It's okay. It's okay. I'll take care of it, okay? I'll take care of it.