The Outsider Comments

  • Damien 2023-04-06 08:57:58

    You see, works that take the high-level line also have to focus on the theme and finally point to the topic. Those who are unwilling to respect the rules of creation are either geniuses (basically rare) or liars (basically very...

  • Alyson 2023-03-15 05:54:23

    Just don't have that "you TM go to...

  • Zachary 2023-03-08 23:41:25

    Judging from the story, I like it very much, and I have the feeling of watching "True Detective" back then~~ Especially the death of the victim's family is really shocking. If it's just the current evidence, I'm actually more inclined to think that it's similar to the one in "Manslaughter Hiding the Sky", the problem is caused by the wrong date, and the coach is indeed the murderer. Hope the supernatural elements don't get too bad, right? Otherwise, it would be boring to rely on it for...

  • Elissa 2023-03-04 21:08:52

    The first two episodes were well-received, rhythm. . real. . too. . . slow. . . . . . The level of the sixth episode seems to have come back, but the seventh episode was followed by water, and my heart was tired. This show is a driving simulator. Every episode must be driven. It starts half an episode, and the last episode of the shootout is just excuse...

  • Teagan 2023-03-03 18:10:27

    The first episode was amazing. I haven't seen such a feeling American drama for a long time. In fact, if there are no ghosts and ghosts, it is a crime-solving drama. The quality of this drama is also very high. The performance of the actors is calm and composed, and the performance and lines are too It's charming, the editing is beautiful, and the music is very sophisticated. The second episode is a little bit worse. After bringing in the mystery and weirdness, the overall feeling is a bit...

  • Andy 2023-03-02 08:23:55

    Even in episode 9, I still think it's awesome, and the last few gunshots are full of suspense, but what's the point of episode 10? He didn't let Holy ask questions, and in the end he didn't know what animal it was, so he just smashed it and it was over? Totally...

  • Roberta 2023-02-28 04:36:47

    It's not bad to change Stephen King's novel into a movie, as long as it is changed into a TV series, none of them will look...

  • Edythe 2023-02-04 21:40:38

    The small format is blunt at the...

  • Dave 2023-01-21 04:34:45

    Suddenly I feel very relevant to the current situation, and feel that we are very similar to the protagonists in the play: Bernard Shaw once said that all professions are conspiracies against laymen. We can extend this statement and say that any group is a "conspiracy" against people not in that group, because for one reason or another, the "outsiders" have no access to the information that the "insiders" have. outsider or stranger? It's not a problem, it's a...

  • Evangeline 2023-01-17 18:28:02

    Stephen King again! Absolute drama potential! Just watched two episodes and four people have died OMG. . . . The suspense is fascinating. While solving the case and solving the mystery, we will also bring up some social topics. I am looking forward to the future...

The Outsider

Director: Andrew Bernstein, Jason Bateman, Charlotte Brändström, J.D. Dillard, Karyn Kusama, Igor Martinovic

Language: English Release date: January 12, 2020

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