The Ottoman Lieutenant Comments

  • Monte 2023-01-05 00:05:56

    All the people, not only do not have the protagonist's halo, but also do not have the characteristics of the protagonist's clues. like in God's thought, what to say? Lots of details, but no...

  • Kyle 2022-12-23 17:57:24

    The historical theme of Hongdae is just an ordinary movie, the heroine is chubby and cute, and the two male protagonists are very handsome, especially...

  • Alexzander 2022-12-03 09:49:00

    The black people at the beginning were turned away from the hospital, and the film was shrouded in the separation of humanity that was brought about by skin color, religion, and race. The hospital built by Ben Kingsley in war-torn Turkey seemed like a utopia. Lily and Gresham were like this. A follower of a dream, even though peace is grand, the film’s depiction of World War I is too brief, and the love between men and women is not...

  • Lolita 2022-12-02 20:36:00

    It turns out everyone was cheated by...

  • Myrtle 2022-11-06 10:52:37

    I can only comfort myself that I have taken half a history class. . . Download is...

  • Gregorio 2022-11-02 00:52:40

    British patient in...

  • Victoria 2022-10-24 18:14:40

    Photography is ok, but the story is...

  • Eldora 2022-10-24 08:51:05

    The male protagonist doesn't like him because he doesn't like him from Nashville to...

  • Jaclyn 2022-10-03 21:29:00

    Low profile British...

  • Ivy 2022-09-26 08:21:01

    I, Josh, acted as cannon fodder again, it's terrible at such an old age. This kind of Pearl Harbor-style love movie I really can't stand it at my...

Extended Reading

The Ottoman Lieutenant quotes

  • Lillie: It's like being in God's thoughts.

    Ismail: It appears our time inside God's thoughts has come to an end.

  • Jude: I've been visiting hospitals in various cities, catching up on the latest advancements in modern medicine.

    Lillie: It's true. Medical science has been making some amazing advances. If only we could advance the thinking of the doctors.

    Mr. Rowe: Lillie...

    Jude: How do you mean, miss?

    Lillie: Yesterday, a man was turned away from the hospital where I work because his skin was the wrong colour.

    Mrs. Rowe: Dr. Gresham, I have to aologise for our daughter.

    Jude: I assure you, Miss Rowe, no one has ever been turned away from our hospital due to colour of their skin or their religious beliefs. That would be against everything we believe in.

    Lillie: Dr. Gresham, I'd like to show you something.