The Ottoman Lieutenant Comments

  • Kristy 2023-07-25 00:10:47

    The script is flawed, the actors' acting skills are decent but the depth is not enough, three stars are...

  • Hilma 2023-07-09 17:53:10

    Oh my gosh, don't ever compare UK patients, thank...

  • Jeromy 2023-06-23 23:26:46

    The characters are shriveled, the plot is boring, and the soundtrack is...

  • Marvin 2023-06-19 10:46:13

    political correctness...

  • Ressie 2023-06-16 09:35:34

    This is too bland, and how can Turkish men be so...

  • Itzel 2023-06-08 23:45:16

    War themes, love triangle, Josh Hartnett, seeing these three elements, I wonder if you think of "Pearl Harbor" first. But today I want to talk about "Lieutenant Ottoman". I don't know much about the war between Russia and the Ottomans in World War I. But finding right from wrong on the battlefield is sometimes pointless. Like two groups of lions vying for territory, who do you say is right and who is wrong? Humanism and humanity are the themes of the film. Also, Istanbul is so...

  • Renee 2023-06-04 08:23:32

    The script is flawed, the actors' acting skills are decent but the depth is not enough, three stars are...

  • Briana 2023-05-16 21:44:55

    hello lieutenant goodbye...

  • Jada 2023-05-04 11:19:40

    Why did I insist on watching this Mary Sue movie: 1. Turkey scenery + 2. The face value of Long Ma's...

  • Marcellus 2023-05-02 17:35:34

    The standard is low, everything is too...

Extended Reading

The Ottoman Lieutenant quotes

  • Lillie: It's like being in God's thoughts.

    Ismail: It appears our time inside God's thoughts has come to an end.

  • Jude: I've been visiting hospitals in various cities, catching up on the latest advancements in modern medicine.

    Lillie: It's true. Medical science has been making some amazing advances. If only we could advance the thinking of the doctors.

    Mr. Rowe: Lillie...

    Jude: How do you mean, miss?

    Lillie: Yesterday, a man was turned away from the hospital where I work because his skin was the wrong colour.

    Mrs. Rowe: Dr. Gresham, I have to aologise for our daughter.

    Jude: I assure you, Miss Rowe, no one has ever been turned away from our hospital due to colour of their skin or their religious beliefs. That would be against everything we believe in.

    Lillie: Dr. Gresham, I'd like to show you something.