The Nest Comments

  • Evans 2022-09-15 20:30:47

    Fast forward to...

  • Brittany 2022-09-15 17:13:57

    This is the typical poor father in Robert Kiyosaki's writings. He worked hard all his life, bought a big house, found beautiful women, and spent a lot of money, until this coerced pursuit of life collapsed, which also alluded to the current so-called debt cycle of the middle class. Find your own life rhythm and circle, this is the real progress of your...

  • Rylan 2022-09-13 22:35:52

    Many things are your duty as a person, not to mention that life must be down-to-earth after...

  • Alan 2022-09-10 00:15:02


  • Napoleon 2022-09-06 13:24:34

    It started to look like a horror movie. It turned out not to be. It turned out to be a realistic family movie. Hey, this family really resembles mine. I used to be rich and wanted to become richer, then went bankrupt, and continued to want to become rich. I had to pretend to be rich and go to talk business with others, and then I had an epiphany...down to earth. Very anxious and depressively...

  • Lloyd 2022-09-03 07:21:42

    The desire for fame and fortune and the questioning of marriage meet at the intersection of mid-life crisis; the dark horror film style happens to set off the theme. Not great but not bad, and the ending, although a bit abrupt, was better than the devastating ending I had...

  • Jovanny 2022-06-08 21:41:56

    The haunting house of horror filming has a symbolic meaning to the destruction of the family. Regardless of the root cause as a "fake middle class" or "exotic cultural estrangement", the panic caused by these outsiders directly leads to the "relative movement" of people towards the...

  • Marlen 2022-06-08 19:19:11

    The home in the United States is bright and full of emotions. It is also happy for a family to sit around and eat pasta under a small lamp. The ancient houses that migrate to the other side of the ocean are gloomy and drowsy. Look forward to it again. In order to show Rory's family relocation decision, the rapid switching and deliberate contrast in music styles, current political backgrounds, and styles are easy to understand; he can also better perceive the gender power and family connection...

  • Theron 2022-06-08 17:27:24

    When the Magic House movie encounters Kasawitz. Thick 70s style costume and classical mysticism atmosphere. The question to be discussed can be switched freely between the roots of humans and detached things. Identity, location, and old houses together form a complex situational dislocation, which constitutes a huge critical oppression. Of course, after all, he gave a relatively simple and clear answer and ending, which came from the reverse suppression of the performance, but solidified the...

  • Dylan 2022-06-08 17:12:14

    2.5 points. The extremely old-fashioned subject matter didn't play any special tricks in the hands of Sean Dirkin. This kind of story is only interesting if it is filmed by European directors. Now it looks like an ultra-long version of an American drama, but it is a pity that the drama conflict has been erased. The boring and slack rhythm makes it difficult to highlight the focus of the whole drama, like a family ethics drama permeated with suspense and thrillers. Only the acting skills of the...

Extended Reading

The Nest quotes

  • Arthur Davis: People seem to want everything from their husbands and wives and expect every need to be fulfilled. Ey, maybe that's why there's so much divorce.

    [Allison grunts in reciprocation]

    Arthur Davis: Too much expectation.

    Allison O'Hara: Well, I hope you're wrong. I think people should want it all.

    Arthur Davis: Ah well, look closer, you are young enough to still be an idealist, but only just.

  • Allison O'Hara: You can blame shit on me Sam, but you're the one who's going to have to live with your choices.

    Sam O'Hara: I don't have to make choices, mom. I'll just find a man to make my choices for me.

The Nest

Director: Sean Durkin

Language: English Release date: September 18, 2020

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