The Nest Comments

  • Reginald 2023-04-05 06:11:44

    Five stars all give beautiful lighting and deep focus photography. Now there are fewer and fewer people taking deep focus. The repeated use of front, middle and back scenes (always has a foreground) and the relationship between people and the background (the background is often brighter than the people) The photographer Mátyás Erdély used to shoot Son of Saul, but this film is basically a completely different photography style. He is good at hand-held backs and only appeared a few times in this...

  • Darlene 2023-03-07 10:53:38

    Unhappy families have their own...

  • Icie 2023-02-22 13:36:47

    Life is not just about making money. The male protagonist of this drama is a big money. If you want to make a lot of money, you can go to the United States if you can't mix in the UK, and go back to the UK if you can't mix in the United States. Moved four times in ten years. Sometimes I have to spend my wife's private money when I run out of money. In the end, the business failed, and there was still a hug from my daughter and a hot breakfast at home. Be...

  • Trudie 2023-02-14 18:37:44

    The secret den is really a headline party, I thought it was a spy movie or a suspense...

  • Helga 2023-02-03 22:34:38

    Get to know each character slowly as the details unfold. See what they hoped for, and what they lost later. Bland, but...

  • Fidel 2023-01-15 12:51:00

    8.2 For some personal reasons, the perception is depressing. To describe the disillusionment of the upper-class family in a weird tone, trying to maintain a false status quo but let everything fall apart. Carrie Coon's confusion and anxiety under the close-up can see the shadow of Gena...

  • Makenzie 2023-01-13 09:09:41

    Jude Law is really...

  • Luther 2023-01-12 07:23:19

    How should I put it, the patience left to the movies recently is limited, or most of them fell asleep; but after watching this one with peace of's amazing, it's not very good, but it has the effect of...

  • Timmy 2023-01-02 10:05:48

    In real life, there are actually quite a few people who slap their face at a fat man. Buying a mansion is not for living comfortably, but for the sake of having more talk at the party. His wife is picking up dung for the farmer to supplement the family, and he doesn't care. He only cares about his...

  • Luther 2022-12-15 19:40:52

    This clear soup lacks water, the story is not well told, the actors are useless, and the charm is not displayed at all. The last scene was the best...

Extended Reading

The Nest quotes

  • Arthur Davis: People seem to want everything from their husbands and wives and expect every need to be fulfilled. Ey, maybe that's why there's so much divorce.

    [Allison grunts in reciprocation]

    Arthur Davis: Too much expectation.

    Allison O'Hara: Well, I hope you're wrong. I think people should want it all.

    Arthur Davis: Ah well, look closer, you are young enough to still be an idealist, but only just.

  • Allison O'Hara: You can blame shit on me Sam, but you're the one who's going to have to live with your choices.

    Sam O'Hara: I don't have to make choices, mom. I'll just find a man to make my choices for me.

The Nest

Director: Sean Durkin

Language: English Release date: September 18, 2020

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