The Nest Comments

  • Reid 2023-09-22 23:10:57

    Keep your feet on the ground, save money well, and don't live in fantasy. The bubbles look beautiful, but once they burst, they are nothing. Don't be vain, I really hate that the male protagonist has nothing left and is still there talking about how powerful and thoughtful he is... It makes people...

  • Vicenta 2023-09-17 03:59:43

    It's bland and boring. Most of the time, the plot is flat and straightforward, without breaking points and climaxes. The atmosphere is depressing and the tone is cold. The greatest virtue may be authenticity, a realistic depiction of human nature and family. When you have no money, you will worry about everything, big things and small things will make people very troubled, and poor and humble couples will mourn for everything. How can the male protagonist be so confident that he will make a lot...

  • Chet 2023-09-07 06:03:01

    This is the worst Jude Law movie I've ever...

  • Ruthie 2023-09-04 18:57:43

    Qiu has also been reduced to acting in such a mediocre slow movie. He is old. Life is trivial, but the atmosphere is very good. The horror layout is a bit classical and a little bit too much. In fact, the story is very direct and simple. Just create conflict, don't do so many scary parts. The ending is a bit open, but a good...

  • Davonte 2023-09-01 02:49:16

    The translation name is inexplicable, it should be called...

  • Elwyn 2023-08-27 17:55:46

    Another story of a husband who betrays his...

  • Zion 2023-08-23 21:52:03

    7 points. A very realistic family life film that reflects the reality of many families. Dads from middle-class families yearn for the upper class life, and all kinds of bragging are unrealistic and directly attack many men. Jude Law's performance is definitely a movie...

  • Delmer 2023-08-20 10:11:24

    The out-of-control life is a horror story with a classic mysticism style. The slightly horrifying atmosphere is great, but unfortunately, the rush of the finale made the film suddenly discouraged. I thought I was greedy for the male protagonist. There will be more expressions of hypocrisy with the middle class, and the result is that there is nothing to be proud of telling the hero that you have done what you should do, although this sentence would have been good enough for most husbands and...

  • Savannah 2023-08-13 07:05:44

    This film proves that the old saying goes from extravagance to simplicity is very accurate. Some people who run the train with their mouths full of face, no matter how well the face project is done, there will always be a day when the truth will be...

  • Hayley 2023-07-31 15:46:48

    A beginning full of expectations, an inexplicable story, and a confused ending. Just to tell a male version of the contemporary "Madame Bovary" story? The storytelling ability of the British is really...

Extended Reading

The Nest quotes

  • Arthur Davis: People seem to want everything from their husbands and wives and expect every need to be fulfilled. Ey, maybe that's why there's so much divorce.

    [Allison grunts in reciprocation]

    Arthur Davis: Too much expectation.

    Allison O'Hara: Well, I hope you're wrong. I think people should want it all.

    Arthur Davis: Ah well, look closer, you are young enough to still be an idealist, but only just.

  • Allison O'Hara: You can blame shit on me Sam, but you're the one who's going to have to live with your choices.

    Sam O'Hara: I don't have to make choices, mom. I'll just find a man to make my choices for me.