The Mudge Boy Comments

  • Meta 2022-04-21 09:03:32

    Wow, in addition to putting the chicken head in his mouth, he actually bit it off at the end. I can see that my throat is not...

  • Lexie 2022-04-21 09:03:32

    should called chicken...

  • Layne 2022-04-21 09:03:32

    March Boy, with a soul as clear as a clear country sky, pure and transparent. He was obsessed with his mother and revealed his true feelings to his friends, but he seemed to be out of tune with this complex environment when he was simple. After being hurt, hurting, and crying, I can see the world clearly. This is also a transformation on the road of...

  • Kathryne 2022-04-21 09:03:32

    They say this film is very classic, but it's really suffocating to look at. I hate the male protagonist. And the chicken runs through the whole film. I'm...

  • Marcella 2022-04-20 09:02:36

    The protagonist is so...

  • Alice 2022-04-20 09:02:36

    239. Oh my god, was the showtime of 2003 so heavy-handed, biting the chicken head scared me to death. The metaphor of castration at the end and the Oedipus complex that foreshadows the whole film make it seem that the reconciliation between the end of the film and the father/patriarchy is very illogical. The male protagonist's acting skills are quite...

  • Adrian 2022-04-20 09:02:36

    oh, that lonely boy! He's not faggy, he lacks of...

  • Julia 2022-04-20 09:02:36

    Some people are born without a mask, but sooner or later society will force him to kill his vulnerable innocence. Since then, he has a mask, which is called...

  • Mckenna 2022-04-20 09:02:36

    Ma Qi is really lovable, if I have such a friend, I should be like a fat girl. Maternal love is overflowing. In addition, I will give Ma Qi all four stars for careful...

  • America 2022-04-20 09:02:36

    I've kissed and done it, but I still don't admit I love you, he's a black belly, stay away from...

Extended Reading

The Mudge Boy quotes

  • [after she refuses to sleep with him]

    Perry Foley: You fucking bitch.

    April: Fuck you.

    [sees Duncan watching them]

    April: Pervert.

  • Perry Foley: Say it!

    Perry Foley: Say you're a bitch!