The Meaning of Life Comments

  • Braxton 2023-02-04 07:35:59

    It can be regarded as a big production, and the style is very...

  • Kasey 2023-01-31 17:30:06

    The film's opening sequence is one of the most memorable, showing an old overworked clerk at an insurance company mutiny, after taking control of the dilapidated stone building that turns into a ship and the clerks drop anchor and set sail , like pirates and colonists against the fleet of modern high-rises, set fire to their filing cabinets and launched artillery attacks. The seven stories constitute the "seven deadly sins" of modern life, the queer performance of men disguised as women, and...

  • Alberto 2023-01-20 13:01:09

    The anaconda's imagination is...

  • Krystal 2023-01-11 06:48:11

    475 breaks the inherent rules of the film all the time, with nonsensical lines and satire to the extreme, a work of genius.

  • Johan 2023-01-10 09:07:41

    At least the first short clip is so...

  • Wiley 2023-01-05 12:02:08

    Four and a half stars. Bad taste, nonsense,...

  • Billie 2022-12-30 21:03:32

    that summer, guys were about to leave, A-down movie...

  • Zackery 2022-12-05 03:50:35

    It's so awesome, it's absurd and ironic to the...

  • Trudie 2022-11-30 02:17:55

    It's ironic, but a little messy. But there seems to be a lot of metaphors, you need to read it again to...

  • Karina 2022-11-20 20:45:22

    Terry Gilliam's 15 minutes. ....

Extended Reading

The Meaning of Life quotes

  • Chaplain: [singing] Oh Lord, please don't burn us/Don't grill or toast your flock/Don't put us on the barbecue/Or simmer us in stock/Don't braise or bake or boil us/Or stir-fry us in a wok/Oh please don't lightly poach us/Or baste us with hot fat/Don't fricassee or roast us/Or boil us in a vat/And please don't stick thy servants Lord/In a Rotiss-o-mat.

  • Humphrey: And spotteth twice they the camels before the third hour. And so the Midianites went forth to Ram Gilead in Kadesh Bilgemath by Shor Ethra Regalion, to the house of Gash-Bil-Betheul-Bazda, he who brought the butter dish to Balshazar and the tent peg to the house of Rashomon, and there slew they the goats, yea, and placed they the bits in little pots. Here endeth the lesson.