The Lovers Comments

  • Daphney 2023-03-11 11:09:23

    Americans are playing British characters but speaking Indian English, and they are also...

  • George 2023-03-09 07:03:23

    Favorite movie I've seen. The male lead's acting is pretentious and not explosive. What I want to say most is that the male protagonist's modern blond girlfriend is full of forehead tattoos... The final outcome is that the male protagonist and her modern girlfriend are both happy, what the hell is this? What is the Indian heroine here for? The most magical thing is that every time the male and female protagonists look at each other affectionately, bgm is actually a Chinese style. The three...

  • Kamron 2023-02-28 09:17:19

    It feels like a big-budget movie, but I don't feel like I can understand what to do. The middle is definitely about love, but what's the connection with modern times? ? ? ? ?...

  • Keeley 2023-02-23 11:37:01

    Well, the plot is normal. Kind of messy. The acting skills of the actors are average, the photography and soundtrack are...

  • Stephan 2023-02-20 16:26:14

    I have never seen such a bad ending! ! ! ! This heroine hates her husband so much. She brought her referral to her husband. In less than a minute, she didn't see her husband wake up. She should have planned to turn off the machine and let her husband...

  • Isabel 2023-02-16 00:01:11

    Bizarre Journey is a bizarre Indian scenery film and a bizarre romance film with quantum entanglement that travels through time and space. ....

  • Briana 2023-01-25 02:22:05

    Not impressed after watching...

  • Caden 2023-01-24 21:38:15

    It's pretty cool, why is it so low? . The background music seems to be Chinese, I don't know...

  • Constance 2023-01-22 20:04:11

    What's wrong with Hartnett's tongue, the American cast the British role, and the Indian-accented English director dropped the word "logic"...

  • Lela 2023-01-09 10:44:54

    good time travel...

Extended Reading

The Lovers quotes

  • Sadhu: Look in yourself, Tulaja... It will be, thus. You would love with the full force of a woman's heart. And your love will be returned in full. But you will betray your love and as you have foreseen, he will die.

    Tulaja Naik: Gurdev, am I such a person, Gurdev?

    Sadhu: What beats within your chest, Tulaja?

    Tulaja Naik: My heart, Gurdev.

    Sadhu: Where else in the universe is betrayal, Tulaja? If not in the human heart.

    Tulaja Naik: I will not betray. I swear not to do so, Gurdev. I will not betray.

    Sadhu: Your path is already chosen.

    Tulaja Naik: Then I will not love.

  • [last lines]

    Sadhu: Of such entangling, is our universe woven. A hard pattern you may say, this path of love. But how, child, could it be otherwise?