The Lovers on the Bridge Comments

  • Duane 2022-12-09 10:32:55

    Watching fireworks together, jumping into the river together, standing on the bow of the boat together and sailing into the distance together, these are all beautiful, but the movie is just that, and love can only be an out-of-context aspect. , I think the two major elements of love are: one is to perfectly fit each other, and the other is to rely on....

  • Melany 2022-12-03 05:29:46

    At that time, Karax still had expectations and optimism about love. Even though it was full of control, decisiveness, and possession, he was still mad at the fireworks night, embracing the new bridge in the snow after many years, the ultimate love and romance....

  • Sister 2022-11-17 00:02:40

    As if it were another version of Leos Carax's own Boy Meets Girl. The male protagonist is paranoid and madly infatuated with Michelle, but Michelle did not fall in love with him in the process. The nightmares that kept appearing in her heart revealed the pain and torture suffered by the unrequited lover in the relationship. The whole article is almost another perfect play of Leos Carax's personal style. This time the editing is more accurate. When many scenes are dizzying, people want to...

  • Willis 2022-11-14 14:52:35

    Cortazar: "You should have someone who knows how to respond to you better than me, so that you can be upgraded to a perfect partner, with the vulgar atmosphere of idiots and haters who stare at each other and destroy each other, just want to last for a while, Just to keep going, to start all over again, to tirelessly pursue that mirage-like true...

  • Hollie 2022-11-12 08:37:36

    God's Work No.3 She is blind, he is lame, she is a rich girl, and he is a stray dog, but this does not prevent them from getting drunk together, running wildly, having fun together, sleeping on the street together, and falling in love together. As if the fireworks of the new bridge were lit for you. Newbridge is your heaven, and Newbridge is your hell. Everyone wants to get love, and the performance of God's ultimate love. Those romantic petty literary films can...

  • Josianne 2022-10-31 20:26:52

    Abandoned stone bridges under the sky full of fireworks, wild dancing fires on the promenade, two broken souls who should not have met, the iron cross of only love with the bow of the boat forward, those things I know but don't tell about your past; Karax The created movie world is full of water moon mirror flowers, but it can often make us feel empathy | "The person who dreams in a dream should go to see him when he wakes up. Hello, I dreamed of you, and love woke me up. Life is that...

  • Jeffrey 2022-10-24 16:08:14

    Look at it by yourself, don't look at it in a group, or someone will not be able to stand the result and you will be...

  • Keyshawn 2022-10-20 19:31:35


  • Zaria 2022-10-12 05:23:00

    Three and a half. "The person you dream of in your dreams should go to see her when you wake up." Karax's most famous film, if it can be substituted into its emotions, it's nothing to say, but Karax's technique tends to be bland, and even the plot and pattern A big step back. In fact, there are many ingenious editing in the film, such as human eye to fish eye, portrait to flame, in addition to frame extraction, blurred fast shots, etc., as well as documentary-style techniques (the style used by...

  • Jake 2022-09-22 19:33:17

    The subway chase, drunken dancing, fireworks, the warmth of the world, the cold water of the river... Two people who are equally persistent and crazy finally get together. Hostess: If you can't get it, it's better to destroy it. Male protagonist: It is better to destroy each other than to be together. Both loves are horrible. The old tramp told his wife's story and told her to go back to normal life, vivre to live. In his eyes, the wandering life is just to survive like an animal, there is no...

Extended Reading

The Lovers on the Bridge quotes

  • Michèle Stalens: The people in our dreams, we should call them when we wake up. It would make life simpler. "Hello, I dreamed of you. Love woke me".