The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane Comments

  • Enola 2022-03-20 09:02:36

    Children also have the right to arrange their own lives, with high-spirited personal liberation in the 1970s. Evil story, superb performance, and a neat ending. Is it really okay for Foster to appear naked at a young...

  • Alysa 2022-03-20 09:02:36

    I really like the blank space in the film, which can make me imagine it. Jodie Foster wasn't too cute as a child, but her shrewdness was impressive. The film gave me a feeling of fright in a small town. It seems that the people around me are not well-intentioned, and they are extremely frightened, but the setting of the boy can be regarded as a little light in the...

  • Ernest 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    Seeing every snooper wanted to hit hard. At first, she always felt that her shouts were too deterrent, although she tried hard, she was still weak. Fortunately, there were boy and almond-flavored tea...

  • Wilfrid 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    I really don’t know how this film got such a high score. It feels ordinary. Is it because Judy Foster played an angel and devil girl and then gave out nudes? You can regard the boring plot as Regardless...

  • Winifred 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    Needless to say, Judy Foster's amazing precociousness, in fact, Martin Sheen also manages this very difficult role quite well. The temperament of the movie is like the poems of Emily Dickinson and Allan Poe mentioned in it, always incompatible with the world alone. It’s the logic of Agatha Christie’s novels that make mistakes, but what’s worse than Apo’s novels is that she has not been detected by detectives, but will always be controlled by a worse...

  • Angel 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    Recommended by the group owner. From childhood to old, everyone has been playing. Judy is cute and handsome, Martin is handsome and ruthless, the boy is also very intelligent and smart, such a small-cost movie has become a classic because of their performance. Of course, the most prominent is Judy, who is almost integrated with the character. I also want to meet a cool girl like...

  • Garret 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    The flavors of "Fruit Hard Candy" and "Vinality Tooth" are Hitchcock's style. The scale is quite large, and traditional values ​​are challenged everywhere. I can't believe that it is an American film in the 1970s. Maybe the director is a Hungarian. Jodie Foster had an iron temperament at that time. The 13-year-old girl was fiercer than an adult, and the performance...

  • Margot 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    At what age can a person be regarded as a person, because he is a child, he will be bullied and threatened. That’s why he hides his heart and protects himself, speaks and does things cautiously. The kind of maturity is rare but also forced by helplessness...Zhu Difu Sure should be regarded as Napo’s senior. He has grown his mind since he was over 10 years...

  • Jonatan 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    The 14-year-old Judy Foster is so good! So Brother Jiu was born to eat this bowl of rice! ! And in the movie, when the landlord’s son crawled out of the floor, she was really scared to...

  • Ariel 2022-03-17 09:01:07

    Judy Foster has a strong aura and his acting skills are amazing! It turns out that there was a scene of black-bellied loli fighting against the pedophile uncle so long...

Extended Reading

The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane quotes

  • Mario: You keep saying "them" like everyone's out to get you.

    Rynn: Maybe they are.

  • Mario Podesta: [holding Mrs. Hallet's umbrella] Well, Mary fucking Poppins!