The Limits of Control Comments

  • Skylar 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    The story that seems to flash in a dream is a little deliberate. Du Kefeng's shots are always mysterious and mysterious. The whole is only in literature and art, but it lacks a realistic foundation, but in fact, the loss of waking up is what you and I...

  • Wiley 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    If Lao Jia can make the rhythm of the film X4, then more people will choose thumbs up, but for insomnia, nocturnal thinking animals, this film is absolutely...

  • Chadrick 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    Is Jarmusch quite fond of making such multilingual films? A comic black man, two cups of coffee waiting, some guys with sunglasses, red and green matchbox messaging, and a Bill Murray destined to be killed by thoughts, BM's cameo in Zombieland is not bad. The red and green matchboxes are actually the same as the two pills in The Matrix. This movie made me feel pretty...

  • Landen 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    Spectacular! He knew how to control the pace and he knew when to push the limit. . . cool and...

  • Kassandra 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    Asymmetrical breasts of women with...

  • Grady 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    Love the style...

  • Melyssa 2022-03-26 08:01:01

    22-9-2009 9:40pm bc & 26-9-2009 2:05pm...

  • Tiara 2022-03-26 08:01:01

    What a great Jarmusch movie, I almost fainted! For the kinky who is obsessed with Jarmusch, this is too easy to understand and straightforward. The slut who is immersed in his own fantasy is directly murdering some kind of reality, 囧. But the whole movie is...

  • Rowena 2022-03-26 08:01:01

    Killer coffee drank all the way, and the note also ate all the way.,I listened to the art lecture all the...

  • Maximillian 2022-03-26 08:01:01

    The killer sneaked into the fort out of his own nostrils to assassinate Bill...

Extended Reading

The Limits of Control quotes

  • American: How the fuck did you get in here?

    Lone Man: I used my imagination.

  • American: Is this your twisted idea of revenge for something?

    Lone Man: No. Revenge is useless.

The Limits of Control

Director: Jim Jarmusch

Language: English,Spanish,Arabic,French,Japanese Release date: September 19, 2009