The Last Movie Star Comments

  • Delpha 2023-06-19 02:31:06

    The combination of one old and one young, one misses the past, the other wastes time, it's very interesting and touching, but there is one thing to complain about, a lot of backgrounds are very...

  • Crawford 2023-06-07 19:55:07

    Young debauchery, old memories, still so...

  • Samara 2023-06-06 02:55:45

    After being a bastard all my life, I finally came to my senses, and it's good to have a good last...

  • Fay 2023-06-02 18:37:54

    Great acting, what passed away 4 days ago....

  • Curtis 2023-05-15 13:42:27

    After reading it, I feel that I still have to succeed when I am young. Since I am old, it is inevitable to be lonely and lonely. When I look back on my life, it was glorious and glorious, and what I left to the world was also a good...

  • Eduardo 2023-05-08 19:02:48

    It's another very warm film. When people reach their old age, they are infinitely sighed, so watching the movie is good: it allows you to compare your own by watching other people's lives, and avoid taking some detours. When you are old, there will be less Some regrets aren't they? Good luck...

  • Maureen 2023-04-21 11:47:25

    Although it is relatively chicken soup, but when these past events and insights come out from the mouth of a dying old man, especially when they are mixed with many personal experiences of the starring himself, it seems extraordinarily real, and I don't feel hypocritical at all. Anyway, I am very moved. . In this life, it is really not easy to find the true self and the true meaning of life. The emotions and feelings of this film will only be understood after a certain age. In the eyes of young...

  • Melba 2023-04-09 20:57:09

    20190417Wednesday 20:06 What is the most frustrating, aging with each passing day! For an elderly person, it is necessary to look back instead of looking forward, and look forward to death! The immortality of Hollywood legends makes those dying stars tired. This is a tender farewell to the glorious and bad past. How can reality have such a romantic turn, no.

  • Ronny 2023-04-03 13:50:39

    It's all true and true, but there's no way to get to the third act without the second...

  • Delmer 2023-03-29 03:15:27

    A bastard for a lifetime, sleeping with all the beauties, and one true love. . . What an enviable...

Extended Reading

The Last Movie Star quotes

  • Vic Edwards: You wanna know I needed to come to knoxville, I needed to say goodbye, Goodbye to the town that made me who Iam, Goodbye to the trees I climbed as a kid, Goodbye to the school that tought me how to break the rules, and the streets I wondered late at night, the hidden places that I left all my secrets, The town where I made so many many mistakes, and now its time for one last goodbye.

  • Sonny: Say, Vic, did you hear that Jerry Renner died yesterday?

    Vic Edwards: Oh, that's too bad.

    Sonny: Yeah, he was a nice guy.

    Vic Edwards: No, he wasn't. He was a putz.

    [both laugh]