The Invisible War Comments

  • Shanon 2022-04-23 07:04:25

    I don't really like TALKING...

  • Federico 2022-04-23 07:04:25

    See the shattered American...

  • Avis 2022-04-23 07:04:25

    When the news of the gang rape case in India is flying all over the sky, I came across this film. The United States, which has always advertised freedom and democracy, can turn a deaf ear to the gang rape of its patriotic children. It is even more conceivable in India, which is still a toddler. Got it. The person who hurts you is the person in power, and the person in power is the person who sets the rules. Do you still play the...

  • Eugenia 2022-04-23 07:04:25

    I have always liked American documentaries, which are true, not sensational, and have data analysis. It turns out that the US military is also so dark. It turns out that the crime rate in the US military is so high. It turns out that the US military is also a military court. The only difference is that the United States does not have a military art troupe, but Americans can show documentaries to those in power and change those unreasonable things. What about...

  • Dandre 2022-04-23 07:04:25

    The film reveals the victims of the US military, most of whom have no legal and moral help, and are even cornered by the military and the system. The documentary did not give a profound analysis of the reasons for this vortex. The director just gave the victims footage and asked them to recollect and tell the story, while the military administration and other departments only have an official...

  • Davonte 2022-04-22 07:01:51

    The inability of the system to change/respond quickly is the most criticized aspect of a democratic society. Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD. Repeated sexual...

  • Alysa 2022-04-22 07:01:51

    elaboration is clear, but a little...

  • Angie 2022-04-22 07:01:51

    In the army, although women do women, it turns out that it is a kind of culture! And even if you report it, there is less than a 5% chance of being convicted! This changed my first impression when I saw the female soldier - she must have been fucked by a woman. #If you can't experience it yourself, try to experience it#...

  • Eula 2022-04-22 07:01:51

    It can be seen that a lot of homework has been done, but only the phenomenon is shown without going into the reasons, the interview is mainly, and the film language is almost zero. This kind of film won the Oscar, it can only be said that the subject matter is too easy. (2013 Human Rights Documentary Exhibition, Broadway Cinematheque, Yau Ma...

  • Rupert 2022-04-22 07:01:51

    It seems an unreasonable request to hope that such a film will not play too many emotional cards, but it is inevitable to feel a little over at certain points~ The idea of ​​propaganda and appeal is far more than discussion, but the shock of facing the interview is quite certain. , There are a few places that are clean and beautiful~ In this sense, documentaries with a clear standpoint are always necessary~ Also, if I personally feel that similar topics take the emotional route, the...

Extended Reading

The Invisible War quotes

  • Kori Cioca - US Coast Guard: Thank you for your sacrifice, in whatever shape it may come with serving. God Bless.