The Informer Comments

  • Melvin 2022-10-07 21:06:42

    An experimental video with a fuss. Dirty hands, flatterers, fights, bragging, showing off, these are all Irish characteristics. "He doesn't know what he is doing" seems to be an excuse for all evil. Reminds me of Finnegan's Night...

  • Marian 2022-10-07 20:40:08

    7.5. The tribute and imitation of the expressionist film and Fritz Lang, the scene of torture Jeep and the final lynching trial of M Murderer are the same. The Irish background of the film is a projection of John Ford's own background, with a strong ethnic self-determination. Political...

  • Gillian 2022-10-07 20:35:27

    This film tells the story of a modern version of Judas betraying Jesus. John Ford created a smoke effect when funds were short and unable to shoot too many locations, making the film present a kind of German film expressionism. Religious and mystical atmosphere, the British actor Victor McLaren, who played Kibo Nolan, portrayed the whistleblower's contradictions, pain, fear and confession with his outstanding acting skills, which is deeply moving. John Ford also won his first Oscar for best...

  • Oliver 2022-10-07 20:12:24

    It can be seen that the imitation of his expressionist techniques is also successful; but the character is quite different, "He doesn't know what he did, so I forgive him" A second force who doesn't know what he did and what the consequences are, unexpectedly I also know a lot about the organization. It can be seen that it is also a key member. Such a second force can become a key member. This organization is also a mob. The process of organizing the killing of traitors also illustrates this...

  • Sigrid 2022-10-07 18:42:46

    Tenth John Ford. It only took three weeks to finish the filming and won the best director. Much like a Fritz Lang movie, the plot of "Underground Trial" can be compared with M. The biblical story is interpreted in the real environment of Dublin, and the complex psychology of "Judas" is well portrayed. The final "Virgin Mary" is somewhat deliberate but well penetrated the theme of the...

Extended Reading

The Informer quotes

  • Katie Madden: Ah, Gypo, what's the use? I'm hungry, and I can't pay my room rent. Have you the price of a flop on you?

    Gypo Nolan: No.

    Katie Madden: What's the use? Ah. don't look at me like that, Gypo! You're all I got! You're the only one. You know that. But what chance do we have to escape? Money! Some people have all the luck!

    [Indicating the ad in the travel agency window]

    Katie Madden: Look at that thing handing us the ha-ha! Ten pounds to America! Twenty pounds and the world is ours?

    Gypo Nolan: What are you saying that for?

  • Gypo Nolan: And now the British think I'm with the Irish, and the Irish think I'm with the British. The long and short of it is I'm walkin' around without a dog to lick my trousers!