The Indian Runner Comments

  • Sam 2022-10-23 20:25:44

    It's a little technically ornamental, and the power it conveys has made me revisit it countless times, and I'm still shocked by...

  • Nat 2022-10-23 19:21:11

    The grand proposition of life is projected between the stories of the two brothers. If Tagore's words at the end of the movie gave him confidence in life, no one would be afraid to guarantee that he would not become a deserter. Rate the...

Extended Reading

The Indian Runner quotes

  • Joe: My brother Frank was due back from Vietnam within the week. We hadn't seen each other since I'd lost the farm in '65, and took the uniform job to make ends meet.

  • Joe: We didn't see or hear from Frank for a good six months, when our lives took a turn.