The Indian Runner Comments

  • Quinn 2023-09-18 23:13:33

    Unlock the giant baby hippie gangster scumbag uncle V, and the uncle is completely naked...

  • Anais 2023-09-09 16:37:19

    Growth and feeling go hand in hand, you are trapped in feeling, you can't fight the world, and you can't smooth the edges and corners, something must go wrong, but you also become a hero, a complete king of the hill. My brother is a person who understands moderation very well, but he can only burn himself in memory, which is probably...

  • Derick 2023-08-07 11:11:27

    If it was any other man, I'd put him straight away, but when it's your brother sometimes you look the other...

  • Ezequiel 2023-07-23 10:27:13

    It took three days to read it, but I had the urge to brush it twice. When Uncle V played a crazy man with a complex personality, he could be so charming and charming, and he could have a show in one look. Thinking about it carefully, the role of my uncle doesn't seem to be so complicated and contradictory after that...and my brother is super like Simon...

  • Angie 2023-07-12 03:21:39

    Three and a half. There is nothing wrong with the plot at first glance. The image of "The Indian runner" is used to show personal revenge, and it also shows the intensification of the conflict between him and his family. The theme and expression content are quite satisfactory, but the whole film has a good emotional response to the characters. The way of expression is too clumsy, some scenes are too tense, and there is no buffering time, which makes the plot look extraordinarily deliberate, and...

  • Jovani 2023-07-03 16:45:42

    Great stamina. Feeling Sean Penn's ambition, there are a few scenes with great tension, and the bar confrontation lines are also great. This story may be easier to control if it is written in words than it is in...

  • Wendy 2023-06-23 18:03:31

    I actually like to watch old movies from the 1990s. I watch it slowly and slowly / V, who just became a father in his early thirties, is so handsome that his liver trembles when he talks, but he still speaks softly and plays the violent moment of the little bastard brother without being ambiguous. The tattoos on the left arm and lower abdomen already have scars on the upper lip, and they have also collected what they experienced when they were young. It turned out that I brought my own props...

  • Michel 2023-05-25 22:48:43

    7.8/10 I almost cried when I saw it... Your character V is too "broken", I figured out why Sean Penn Ming knew he wanted to play the older brother and had to let him play the younger brother. This character has no good looks and wants to be beaten to death a hundred times (although he is actually helpless and soft), what bastard (X is a hunted stag that has not grown up. I really felt that this kind of pure masculinity character I'm definitely annoyed out of the sky, most of the time like a...

  • Andre 2023-05-19 23:39:44

    #王有无衣# It is said that Uncle V, the virgin director of Sean Penn, showed off her figure so she bit her head and cooked raw meat. It is really sad that the actor still has a southern accent. But Su! bgm's acoustic guitar style is so familiar! At the beginning, the father of Bento Jun also sang folk songs to the police brother Joe! I was instantly inspired by the Highway Patrolman by Springsteen! Then the younger brother played by Uncle V appeared, and his name was Franky! _(:з"∠)_ worth the...

  • Jules 2023-05-05 17:46:45

    The new life is a continuation of the yearning for the younger brother. End credits in loving memory of Hal Ashby, Frank Bianco, John...

Extended Reading

The Indian Runner quotes

  • Joe: My brother Frank was due back from Vietnam within the week. We hadn't seen each other since I'd lost the farm in '65, and took the uniform job to make ends meet.

  • Joe: We didn't see or hear from Frank for a good six months, when our lives took a turn.