The Hustler Comments

  • Holden 2022-04-21 09:02:06

    Idealism meets...

  • Dane 2022-04-21 09:02:06

    Although it is a classic, the rhythm is obviously a little slow and a little messy, and the characters are well shaped. Paul Newman's personal charm is very strong! The lady is...

  • Margarette 2022-04-21 09:02:06

    When the craftsmanship is mastered thoroughly and used freely, it can be promoted to art. People who are obsessed with art often forget the whole world. Women's despair is sometimes really simple and...

  • Briana 2022-04-21 09:02:06

    There is a wonderful intertextual echo with Paul Newman's "The Color of Money", which was crowned as the best actor decades later. A man's growth will always have those flashy indulgences and the precipitation that washes away the lead to be unified. Maybe there is this film. The resume is also a help. But apart from being pleasing to the eye on the work frame, the film itself doesn't have much to offer. The story is still rolling in the clichés of youth and frivolity and ups and downs, and the...

  • Melany 2022-04-21 09:02:06

    1. Why is the price of a man's growth and victory at the cost of a woman's life? 2. The film satirizes the parasite...

  • Nils 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    I remember watching this movie for the first time when Paul Newman passed away. I watched "The Color of Money" first. At that time, I was only interested in the male protagonist's appearance, not the ball skills, not to mention the focus on betting on the ball. . ....

  • Carmine 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    This film is for Newman to show his acting...

  • Angelo 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    Paul Newman, a man with just the right combination of handsome and...

  • Arturo 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    The real contest in the film is not between FastEddie and MinnesotaFats, but between Eddie's love for Sarah and his self-destructive...

  • Olin 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    "Degenerate, twisted, broken," she wrote her last words on the bathroom vanity...

Extended Reading

The Hustler quotes

  • [Fast Eddie is bothered because Bert called him a born loser]

    Fast Eddie: Cause, ya see, twice, Sarah... once at Ames with Minnesota Fats and then again at Arthur's, in that cheap, crummy pool room, now why'd I do it, Sarah? Why'd I do it? I coulda beat that guy, coulda beat 'im cold, he never woulda known. But I just hadda show 'im. Just hadda show those creeps and those punks what the game is like when it's great, when it's REALLY great. You know, like anything can be great, anything can be great. I don't care, BRICKLAYING can be great, if a guy knows. If he knows what he's doing and why and if he can make it come off. When I'm goin', I mean, when I'm REALLY goin' I feel like a... like a jockey must feel. He's sittin' on his horse, he's got all that speed and that power underneath him... he's comin' into the stretch, the pressure's on 'im, and he KNOWS... just feels... when to let it go and how much. Cause he's got everything workin' for 'im: timing, touch. It's a great feeling, boy, it's a real great feeling when you're right and you KNOW you're right. It's like all of a sudden I got oil in my arm. The pool cue's part of me. You know, it's uh - pool cue, it's got nerves in it. It's a piece of wood, it's got nerves in it. Feel the roll of those balls, you don't have to look, you just KNOW. You make shots that nobody's ever made before. I can play that game the way... NOBODY'S ever played it before.

    Sarah Packard: You're not a loser, Eddie, you're a winner. Some men never get to feel that way about anything.

  • Fast Eddie: You can't see it, can you, Charlie? I mean, you've never been able to see it. I came after him. And I'm gonna get him. I'm goin' with him all the way. The pool game is not over until Minnesota Fats says it's over. Is it over, Fats?