The Grandmaster Comments

  • Marcus 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Zhang Zhen practiced for two years and won the championship just for these three...

  • Roslyn 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    It is about a martial arts past, and the nostalgic taste of Wang Jiawei in the image fits the soul of the story. It can be seen as a dead martial arts or a legend of the Republic of China, with an old taste and a sense of distance. There are a few action scenes that are very beautiful. Ye Wenjin building's burials, funerals, and the string of cotton wool under the knives of the railway station are both vigorous and visually beautiful. The lines with strong rhyme and rhyme, the martial arts with...

  • Annette 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Wang Jiawei used his usual skill to make a cup of coffee named Tony Leung, and put a piece of candy named Zhang Ziyi. As a result, the house was filled with the taste of literature and art, and the fragrance was suffocating. Then he turned around and smashed a piece of garlic named Xiao Shenyang with a sledgehammer named Zhao Benshan. This is the so-called second force of literature and art, regardless of family, and the life is very...

  • Clinton 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    After watching "The Grand Master", I said in my heart: "This is the movie!" Why is Wong Kar-wai making movies so slow? Probably because he tried to create a highly stylized poetic atmosphere in every second of the picture. He is a dreamer, he is a time sculptor, he is a creator of aura art that Benjamin calls. It's just that in this era of McDonald's movie, is he too extravagant to make movies like...

  • Deron 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    "All the encounters in the world are reunion for a long time", "If you never forget, there must be repercussions", "I met you at the best time, and it was my luck", "To be honest, I have you in my heart, I take this It’s okay to tell you something. It’s not against the law to like people, but I can only do so until I like them.”-The lines are really...

  • Kaylah 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    Wong Kar-wai's long shots and lines are still classics, similar to Tony Leung's hairstyle and eyes! He is so handsome that he can kill people from his back! But the most amazing thing is the shaping of Gong Er played by Zhang Ziyi, the sentence "It is my luck to meet you when I was the most beautiful, but I have no time." It is really righteous, full of flesh and...

  • Blaze 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    All encounters in the world are reunions after a long time. And I lost you again. Every frame is a painting. Mr. Wong Kar Wai’s purpose in making this movie is actually to tell everyone that procrastination is the most beautiful terminal illness in the world. "It was my luck to meet you at the best time. Unfortunately, I don't have time. I chose to stay in my own years." There must be an echo if I can't forget. Across the river and the sea will...

  • Erika 2022-03-17 09:01:07

    Still the best Wang Jiawei and Zhang Shuping and Tony Leung are the great Zhang Ziyi. It’s the light, shadow and lines that are familiar and long-lost, it’s love, it’s life, it’s just a little hypocritical that I just want to be drunk but not awake~~~ Looking back at the ten or two decades of watching movies, it turned out that the Chinese-speaking director who had the most influence on me was Wong Kar-wai. . It's really an honor for...

  • Dion 2022-03-17 09:01:07

    The screenwriter is everyone in life, with a lot of information. It is like reading a book that makes people think about it. From kung fu to life to three perspectives, it is full and attractive. In "Midnight Paris", Woody Allen misses the second in Europe and the United States. In the ten's, a generation of masters evoked our own golden age. We all thought that martial arts practitioners were vulgar. In fact, those who are particular about people and things and noble are in martial arts, but...

  • Imogene 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    First is a Wong Kar-wai movie, then a romance movie (a token of love and an invisible love), then the past of the Republic of China (Once Upon a Time in ROC) and the passing of martial arts. Ye Wen started talking about his life, but the movie left the good scenes to Miss Gong Er. Both the director and the protagonist are working hard to solve the problem of time, and then docking with Zhou Muyun and martial arts novels in the 1960s. The subtitle card and Zhang Ziyi were surprised. The parallel...

Extended Reading

The Grandmaster quotes

  • Gong Er: Every great age presents a choice: to go forward, or stay back. I prefer to stay back, in the happiest times of my life.

  • [last lines]

    Ip Man: They say I spread wing chung throughout the world. I hope that's true. I didn't do it to acquire renown. The martial arts should be open to all, everyone should walk the same route. It all comes down to two words: Horizontal, Vertical.