The Grand Tour Comments

  • Mae 2023-01-27 10:11:26

    The first episode is the three gods car. Fortunately, the style has not changed. What the hell is Journey to the Big World.../This season is a drama that is still being followed. The style has changed The style has changed. The sentiment set is beautiful. Playing is normal. Huang Duanzi is very funny / Ending with flowers! The last episode was...

  • Ashleigh 2023-01-04 01:06:19

    Fareware TOPGEAR. Now, 3 idiots into a new world. Start, 2016-11-24.E05 Done, 2016-12-23. E06~E10 Done, 2017-2-7. E11~E13 S01 Over. Still, you can do better. Done,...

  • Jacinthe 2022-12-28 05:41:16

    The new version of TG gave up after watching two episodes. The TGT here is getting better and better. After all, I am just a fake car fan. I really like the three of them. Buy a Prime membership as a...

  • Fred 2022-12-28 02:11:29

    Since that day, I have learned that I can see clearly...

  • Green 2022-12-26 07:00:43

    look at the beginning of...

  • Willis 2022-12-17 06:54:40

    Hate new captive drivers, Celebrity Brain Crash is really boring to watch a few times, and some shots are oversaturated and eye-catching. But the three sluts are after all three sluts. As a fake car fan, I just want to watch a whole episode of conversation street...

  • Zoie 2022-12-05 14:07:30

    Finally finished reading it, TG to GT is still the same taste! When I first heard that the BBC cut TG off, my heart was broken, but hmm doesn't comment on the character of the gorilla... The photography didn't get any better. Real misses Stig, and I feel that the gags are a little less. It's cold, but the first season may need to get used to it...

  • Sam 2022-11-20 03:10:25

    1, 6, 7, 8 wonderful. Otherwise, one star will be deducted. Hope the second season is even...

  • Theresa 2022-11-10 22:10:45

    The level of TG is five stars, and this work is more of a reality show style, highlighting that the three people play tricks with cars as a platform medium, but they seem to be underpowered in the straightforward, rigorous, and slightly personal evaluation link. This work wants to flatter and please the audience. Many details are clearly marked, but the narrative process lacks a more realistic reflection. In each episode, we still need to spend more energy on "talking about cars" instead of the...

  • Rebeka 2022-11-08 13:10:43

    I finally waited for the day when the three jerk came...