The Gauntlet Comments

  • Krystina 2022-12-03 15:49:49

    Where do you all read it, if you know, send me an email, thank you very much....

  • Ole 2022-11-24 01:50:12

    Samsung, bullets...

  • Aron 2022-11-09 08:04:26

    In order to watch a few unpopular movies online, I opened a Hollywood theater membership during the year-end event. This movie is one of them. I haven't watched Dongmu's movies for more than a year, so I hurried to watch one on the first day of the new year. This one is played by Dongmu and his old lover again. It is a highlight, but the plot is average, and it is not as good as the Dirty Harry series. I didn't expect that the film's score was so low that it was selected as one of the top 100...

  • Tillman 2022-10-27 08:32:23

    A plot that cannot stand scrutiny at all, it is purely hot for the sake of popularity, and it is full of American personal...

  • Carli 2022-10-16 22:47:51

    Nice frame and nice personality. It's just...

  • Kaleigh 2022-10-16 22:35:24

    The story is actually quite simple and rude, but it feels a little different...

  • Moriah 2022-10-16 18:06:05

    Not bad for Dirty Harry. The setting of the desperate mandarin ducks and the Jedi counterattack is very interesting. The first half of the game feels good, but the latter is more procrastinated. At the end, I feel a little watery after killing the sheriff. In addition to the helicopter and motorcycle battles in the wilderness, the action scenes are hornet's nests, and it will be boring if there are too...

  • Royce 2022-10-16 15:47:00

    It feels so good to do it in one go~ Sure enough, there are problems with the "plot logic" in the negative comments. But if you find that this is the core of the neuro-comedy "It Happened One Night" through the shell of a police and gangster film, you will understand that the plot is not only reasonable but also exquisitely replaced! So those bullets didn't have any tension, they just fired at the blessings of the slapstick couple (otherwise, why would the heroine hold a box of roses to...

  • Easter 2022-10-16 11:19:08

    Middle-aged coogan; After watching a few films, I can finally say that Sondra's acting skills are suffocating... And one of the reasons why Dongmu's acting skills have not changed is probably that his voice recognition is too special....

Extended Reading

The Gauntlet quotes

  • Constable: [in the car, he's driving, Ben's in front, she's in the back seat, with him leering at her in the mirror] You mind if I ask you a question? How many times a month you spread your legs?

    Ben Shockley: Just drive the car, will you?

    Constable: See now, I got me a chance to learn something, colonel. I mean, as long as I got to chaffeur the little strumpet, you don't mind if a country boy picks up a little education, do you?


    Constable: I... I got this here buddy, he had the idea one time to open up a string of whorehouses and advertise like them fried chicken places. "Finger lickin' good!"

    [snorting laugh]

    Constable: How's it work with your kind? You go to some kind of special school or something?

    Gus Mally: [coolly] I have a B.A. from Finch College.

    Constable: That where you learned to give head?

    Ben Shockley: Will you shut up, for Chrissake?

    Constable: Hey now, colonel, you come to the strumpet's rescue? I bet you had some ideas of getting some gash yourself. Maybe you already had a taste of it, huh? Ain't nothing like a slice of the damp, is there?

    Ben Shockley: Jesus.

    Constable: You can't fool ol' Deke, I seen you zipping your fly-...

    Ben Shockley: [pointing the gun at him menacingly] Will you shut up!

    Gus Mally: [calmly] It's all right, let him talk.

    Constable: Were you going to shoot a fellow officer, colonel? What'll you tell them back home? That I was insulting your whore?

    [Ben grimaces]

    Constable: Gmmph!

    [to Gus]

    Constable: Looks like you done lost your hero-boy.

    Gus Mally: [coolly] I can take care of myself.

    Constable: I bet you can at that. Let's just me and you have a little talk, huh? Did you ever go down on another little girl? Ever have it done to you? I mean, whores just don't make it with guys. They'll make it with anybody with the cash, right? Bet you do. Bet I'd like to watch you too. Yes, ma'am. I'd really dig watching you. Them little ol' melons all pink and tight. That little ass a-humping and a-jerking around.

    [Ben looks at him askew]

    Constable: Them long legs all jacked up juicy-like. I'll bet it don't take much to get you all wet and hot to trot, does it?


    Constable: Hey, come on, talk to me, I wanna know what it's like being a whore.

    Gus Mally: Actually, I always thought it was rather like being a cop.

    Constable: You did?

    [dirty laugh]

    Gus Mally: Yeah. Not unlike being on the take at two dozen bars in downtown Vegas. Taking money from some politician every time you peel his drunken kid's Cadillac off a telephone pole.

    [toying with a cigarette]

    Gus Mally: Strong-arming the Chicanos in the barrio on Saturday night. Busting kids for smoking grass then taking a kickback from the heroin dealers. Or those occasions where you do bust a pusher and skim the haul when you've made the collar. Sell what you skim to your dope addict buddies on the force.

    Constable: [laughs] She's sure on to all our tricks, ain't she?

    Gus Mally: As I see it, the only difference between you and me is that when I quit work, I take a long hot bath and I'm as clean as the day I was born. But a cop, especially a flunkie like you, when the sheriff whistles, you squat. And what he does to you rots your brain. No amount of water on earth can get you clean again.

    Constable: [to Ben] You're going to sit there and take that kinda crap?

    Ben Shockley: [vague grin] You were the one who wanted her to talk.

    Gus Mally: I know you don't like women like me. We're a bit aggressive. We frighten you. But that's only because you got filth in your brain. And I'm afraid the only way you'll clean it out is to put a bullet through it.

    [leaning over towards him]

    Gus Mally: And does your wife know you masturbate?

    [causes him to yell in dismay and lose control of the car, almost smashing into a truck]

    Ben Shockley: [holding the gun against the driver's head] You've had your chat!

    [fed up with him]

    Ben Shockley: Now drive!

    [Ben and Gus look at each other in a new light, sharing bonding looks]

  • Gus Mally: Shockley...?

    Ben Shockley: Yeah?

    Gus Mally: What's gonna happen at the border?

    Ben Shockley: We'll pick up an escort to take us to Phoenix.

    Gus Mally: Who?

    Ben Shockley: Police. Arizona police.

    Gus Mally: How do you know?

    Ben Shockley: Because I asked for 'em.

    Gus Mally: Did you call the same person you telephoned from the house?

    [looks worried, brushes through her hair with her hand]

    Ben Shockley: Yeah.

    Gus Mally: Well, when I saw you back there in the culvert, you said you'd been set up.

    Ben Shockley: It seemed that way at the time.

    Gus Mally: What's changed since then?

    Ben Shockley: [at a loss] What are you trying to say?

    Gus Mally: That somebody's trying to kill me. And since you're along, you're a target too. That car that blew up, and those two guys who shot at us, now that could've been the Mob, but back at the house there, those were cops outside, and somehow they got the wrong message. Now maybe it was a legitimate mistake, maybe not, but if it wasn't, who would have given them the wrong message?

    Ben Shockley: How would I know? It wouldn't be my guys, not the guys on my own force, for Chrissakes!

    Gus Mally: You're probably right, but... I mean, let's just say that there's a chance you're wrong. Just one chance in a thousand.

    [this strikes home with Ben]

    Gus Mally: The state line is a pretty lonely place to find out.

    Constable: You hear what she said about your own people? You going to sit there and take that shit?

    Ben Shockley: How far is the state line?

    Constable: About ten miles.

    Gus Mally: Shockley... I really do have a college degree.

    [throws her hair back, as the car passes through hilly country]