The Fog Comments

  • Gladyce 2022-09-30 19:12:42

    Carpenter's business card. A hundred years ago, the crew member who was deprived of gold went to the town to find the descendants of six people for revenge. The story was slowly revealed in the process, and many mysterious and unsolved mysteries were given. The magic weapon is the golden cross, and use it to break the curse, but in the end the priest still cannot escape despair. When he was young, Jamie Lee Curtis was super beautiful, and his face was tall and...

  • Graciela 2022-09-30 18:21:12

    6/10. The married crew member who covets female broadcasts represents lust, the old man who dug up the ghost ship with a metal detector represents greed, and the neighbors who just watch TV and let their children play on the beach represent laziness, and the ancestors and descendants who escape the bloody history represent arrogance. In the church climax scene, the priest who returned the cruciform gold bar was not burned to death, but the redemption failed but still could not escape...

  • Bennett 2022-09-30 16:17:00

    The shortcomings and advantages are equally prominent. Carpenter's creation of an atmosphere of horror is really great, and the effect formed by the "fog" itself is enough to be creepy. It is said that the first part of the film was made up, but there is no sense of contradiction in the whole film, and it adds a little weirdness. The whole movie is a bit anticlimactic, the first half of the rhythm is very slow, and the second half of the climax is too short, I always feel that the meaning is...

  • Abbie 2022-09-30 15:23:13

    The heroine is Arnold’s wife in "True...

Extended Reading

The Fog quotes

  • Mr. Machen: 11:55, almost midnight. Enough time for one more story. One more story before 12:00, just to keep us warm. In five minutes, it will be the 21st of April. One hundred years ago on the 21st of April, out in the waters around Spivey Point, a small clipper ship drew toward land. Suddenly, out of the night, the fog rolled in. For a moment, they could see nothing, not a foot in front of them. Then, they saw a light. By God, it was a fire burning on the shore, strong enough to penetrate the swirling mist. They steered a course toward the light. But it was a campfire, like this one. The ship crashed against the rocks, the hull sheared in two, masts snapped like a twig. The wreckage sank, with all the men aboard. At the bottom of the sea, lay the Elizabeth Dane, with her crew, their lungs filled with salt water, their eyes open, staring to the darkness. And above, as suddenly as it come, the fog lifted, receded back across the ocean and never came again. But it is told by the fishermen, and their fathers and grandfathers, that when the fog returns to Antonio Bay, the men at the bottom of the sea, out in the water by Spivey Point will rise up and search for the campfire that led them to their dark, icy death.

    [bells ring distantly]

    Mr. Machen: 12:00, the 21st of April.

  • [the pathologist, Dr. Phibes, has just examined the body of Dick Baxter]

    Dr. Phibes: What the hell happened out there?

    Nick Castle: There was rust all over everything. It was like the boat had been out there a long time, taking on water. He was down below, near the bunks.

    Dr. Phibes: Nick, his wounds are covered with algae, his lungs are full, and there's silt under his fingernails. I tell ya, I saw Dick Baxter three days ago in Salinas. Now he's lying there on the table looking like he's been underwater for a month!

The Fog

Director: John Carpenter

Language: English Release date: February 8, 1980