The Fog Comments

  • Roslyn 2023-07-30 23:04:28

    It's too addicting to want to watch horror movies on the screen after it's...

  • Xzavier 2023-07-20 12:50:15

    It is indeed a work made by the master. The excellent light and shadow composition and soundtrack have created a tense and oppressive atmosphere. The special effects of the fog are still amazing. The theme of the film is revenge and redemption, and the ending is simply and...

  • Gabriel 2023-07-17 07:51:51

    Although I feel that the budget is insufficient and many places have been saved, the effect of the night fog and the atmosphere created are good, and the ending is also an inevitable fate. In addition, Carpenter's soundtrack is still very good, but the others are too mediocre, this There is nothing attractive about the story, and the two characters, the male and female protagonists, really feel that they have no value in existence, and the sense of existence is too weak. Only the priest is left...

  • Garry 2023-07-11 22:05:28

    Film mineur dans la filmographie du maitre de l'horreur mais qui a quand même su exceller dans l'instauration de l'angoisse atmosphérique . Si le Mal, thème central et récurrent chez Carpenter, est toujours présent, il est judicieux de constater que l 'esprit maléfique qui tue par vengeance n'est pas pointé du doigt mais le complot humain qui l'a engendré, le Mal incarné par la cupidité et l'obscurité de la société humaine. La parabole politique, pour ainsi dire, ne s' éloigne jamais pour...

  • Liam 2023-07-06 10:59:23

    7.5, the atmosphere master Carpenter, does not use cheap jump scares to create scares, there are a lot of weird details before the fog appears to kill people, which is a bit slow in terms of the current viewing rhythm. Broadcasting is a big highlight in sound design, which plays a very good role in narration and...

  • Cassandra 2023-07-05 07:14:22

    Without it there would be no subsequent Pirates of the Caribbean...

  • Dee 2023-06-19 01:53:50

    After reading it, I have only one thought, I want to live...

  • Rico 2023-06-18 02:17:47

    3.5. It is not so much the atmosphere as the rhythm that dominates the perception. The emotions are also linearly advanced rather than planar, and mainly rely on the rhythm provided by the soundtrack. In fact, Carpenter's work does not have any metaphysical content (which is considered necessary for horror films), but has a solid "physics", and the wide-angle lens carefully presents the structure and texture of the space, sets, props, special effects, etc. etc. also all reflect the obsession...

  • Gayle 2023-06-16 19:05:59

    Fortunately, it has been 4 days since April 25th when I watched it. Pirates and Zombies Disaster...

  • Giles 2023-06-06 09:03:03

    As long as Americans are willing, a little fog can make a disaster movie, even if there are no hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, ice ages, thunderstorms, planes, ships, trains, bus crashes, and zombies. The priest finally wanted a hammer at Versailles, but it wasn't because he didn't report the time and didn't...

Extended Reading

The Fog quotes

  • Mr. Machen: 11:55, almost midnight. Enough time for one more story. One more story before 12:00, just to keep us warm. In five minutes, it will be the 21st of April. One hundred years ago on the 21st of April, out in the waters around Spivey Point, a small clipper ship drew toward land. Suddenly, out of the night, the fog rolled in. For a moment, they could see nothing, not a foot in front of them. Then, they saw a light. By God, it was a fire burning on the shore, strong enough to penetrate the swirling mist. They steered a course toward the light. But it was a campfire, like this one. The ship crashed against the rocks, the hull sheared in two, masts snapped like a twig. The wreckage sank, with all the men aboard. At the bottom of the sea, lay the Elizabeth Dane, with her crew, their lungs filled with salt water, their eyes open, staring to the darkness. And above, as suddenly as it come, the fog lifted, receded back across the ocean and never came again. But it is told by the fishermen, and their fathers and grandfathers, that when the fog returns to Antonio Bay, the men at the bottom of the sea, out in the water by Spivey Point will rise up and search for the campfire that led them to their dark, icy death.

    [bells ring distantly]

    Mr. Machen: 12:00, the 21st of April.

  • [the pathologist, Dr. Phibes, has just examined the body of Dick Baxter]

    Dr. Phibes: What the hell happened out there?

    Nick Castle: There was rust all over everything. It was like the boat had been out there a long time, taking on water. He was down below, near the bunks.

    Dr. Phibes: Nick, his wounds are covered with algae, his lungs are full, and there's silt under his fingernails. I tell ya, I saw Dick Baxter three days ago in Salinas. Now he's lying there on the table looking like he's been underwater for a month!